Zisl Edelson ’83

Zisl Edelson ’83Zisl Edelson ’83is an attorney focused on estate planning and elder law. As a student, she concentrated on Latin and Greek literature.

Why did you choose Sarah Lawrence?
I attended a very large public high school, and wanted to be in a smaller and more personalized educational environment.

Did you have a favorite class?
Hand's down—first-year Latin with Sam Siegle. It was far more than Latin language. Sam made the ancient Romans come alive through their poetry, history, and art.

What was your favorite spot on campus?
So hard to pick one spot. I loved the fun atmosphere of the dance parties at Bates, early morning quiet breakfasts at the Pub, and of course the amazing scent of blooming wisteria in front of Westlands in the spring.

How did your time at Sarah Lawrence shape your career?
The high expectations of my professors, and the emphasis on in-depth analysis of texts and ideas helped me to gain confidence that I could become a really good lawyer.

What are you most looking forward to atReunion 2018?
I'm most looking forward to spending time with classmates. There were many wonderful and interesting people in our class. Looking back, I wish I had gotten to know them better and kept in better touch. Fortunately, it's not too late!