
Florence Romanov '67佛罗伦萨罗曼诺夫67is a pianist performing with the Shubert Club of Connecticut. She is also aReunion 2017 volunteer.

What brought you to Sarah Lawrence?
A desire for a different kind of education from which rote learning was mandatory and the norm.

What was your favorite spot on campus?
Marshall Field. It was a beautiful and elegant building full of musical energy.

What was your favorite class?
Piano lessons, chamber music lessons, and philosophy.

How did your time at Sarah Lawrence influence your work?
I was really interested in archaeology after going to an archaeological work camp in western France between sophomore and junior year. It was so much fun! People from different nationalities, lots of wine, bread, and cheese, and Roman artifacts unearthed in the village baker’s garden!

Thanks to Jacquelyn Mattfield, dean in those years (circa 1965), I was allowed to do something different—take my senior year in Greece on a program called College Year in Athens (CYA). I truly thought I was going to become an archaeologist. I was in for a rude awakening! On a professional dig, I found out that every tiny pebble and stone had to be entered on a graph—exactly true to scale. That was (to me) a completely meticulous and boring procedure. I loved studying Greek art and archaeology in Greece and going to beautiful temples, as well as being spoiled by seeing the Parthenon every day going to school. But as for being an archaeologist, no way!

Sarah Lawrence allowed me the chance to experience a different venue from music and helped me to decide that I really loved the piano the most and would devote myself to becoming the best musician of which I was capable.

How do you blend/balance your passion and your profession?
The piano is both my passion and my profession. Thankfully, I am able to continue my study of the piano and give concerts. This is not always easy and makes me feel happy and inspired.