夏洛特L. Doyle.






一位指出的心理学家曾经说过,“你所看到的取决于你的样子。”我们的主题是童年的世界;而且,在这个课堂上,我们尝试了不同的心理学理论的镜片,突出这些世界的不同方面。弗洛伊德,埃里克森,布巴比和斯特恩提供了对情绪发展的不同观点。Skinner,Bandura,Piaget和Vygotsky在学习和认知问题上表现出各种方法。国际象棋和她的同事占据了气质问题及其与经验的互动问题。乔姆斯基和其他人处理语言的发展。我们将密切阅读理论家的答案,也可以提出他们的问题,询问每种理论的童年的哪些方面投入焦点。我们还将研究一些系统研究,即发展心理学家进行了确认,测试和批评各种理论:母婴关系的研究,认知和语言的发展,以及运动员的出现。在这些域中的几个域中,在普遍性地对普遍性问题上的文化中进行的研究与文化特异性发展。 Direct observation is an important complement to theoretical readings. All students will do fieldwork at the Early Childhood Center or find some other opportunity for observing and interacting with children. As part of the seminar, we will at times draw on student observations to support or critique theoretical concepts. The fieldwork will also provide the basis for developing conference work. Ideally, conference projects combine the interests of the student, some library reading, and some aspect of fieldwork observation. Among the many diverse projects students have designed in the past are topics such as children’s friendships, the meanings of block building, and how young children use language.




创造性过程是矛盾的。它涉及自由和自发性,但需要专业知识和努力。创造者忘记自我时,创意过程是自我达到的,往往往往展开。创意过程带来了快乐,却充满了恐惧,挫折感,甚至是恐怖。创造性的过程是自己的奖励,依赖于社会支持和鼓励。在这个课堂上,我们看看各种思想家如何概念化创造性的过程 - 主要是艺术,而是在其他域中。我们了解各种心理学学家如何描述该过程,其来源,其动机,其特定领域或技能,其文化背景以及其个人生命中的发展历史。在我们将考虑的思想家中是弗洛伊德,荣,阿恩海姆,富兰克林和加德纳。不同的理论家强调该过程的不同方面。特别是,我们看到一些思想家如何强调持久的工作和专业知识,因为其他人强调需要“让它发生”的心灵自由并推测当创造者“让我们走的时候出现的东西。还有其他人识别文化背景或生物因素。 To concretize theoretical approaches, we look at how various ideas can contribute to understanding specific creative people and their work. In particular, we will consider works written by or about Picasso, Woolf, Welty, Darwin, and some contemporary artists and writers. Though creativity is most frequently explored in individuals, we also consider group improvisation in music and theatre. Some past conference projects have involved interviewing people engaged in creative work. Others consisted of library studies centering on the life and work of a particular creative person. Some students chose to do fieldwork at the Early Childhood Center and focus on an aspect of creative activity in young children.






一位指出的心理学家曾经说过,“你所看到的取决于你的样子。”我们的主题是童年的世界;而且,在这个课堂上,我们尝试了不同的心理学理论的镜片,突出这些世界的不同方面。弗洛伊德,埃里克森,布巴比和斯特恩提供了对情绪发展的不同观点。Skinner,Bandura,Piaget和Vygotsky在学习和认知问题上表现出各种方法。国际象棋和她的同事占据了气质问题及其与经验的互动问题。乔姆斯基和其他人处理语言的发展。我们将密切阅读理论家的答案,也可以提出他们的问题,询问每种理论的童年的哪些方面投入焦点。我们还将研究一些系统研究,即发展心理学家进行了确认,测试和批评各种理论:母婴关系的研究,认知和语言的发展,以及运动员的出现。在这些域中的几个域中,在普遍性地对普遍性问题上的文化中进行的研究与文化特异性发展。 Direct observation is an important complement to theoretical readings. All students will do fieldwork at the Early Childhood Center or find some other opportunity for observing and interacting with children. As part of the seminar, we will at times draw on student observations to support or critique theoretical concepts. The fieldwork will also provide the basis for developing conference work. Ideally, conference projects combine the interests of the student, some library reading, and some aspect of fieldwork observation. Among the many diverse projects students have designed in the past are topics such as children’s friendships, the meanings of block building, and how young children use language.




创造性过程是矛盾的。它涉及自由和自发性,但需要专业知识和努力。创造者忘记自我时,创意过程是自我达到的,往往往往展开。创意过程带来了快乐,却充满了恐惧,挫折感,甚至是恐怖。创造性的过程是自己的奖励,依赖于社会支持和鼓励。在这个课堂上,我们看看各种思想家如何概念化创造性的过程 - 主要是艺术,而是在其他域中。我们了解各种心理学学家如何描述该过程,其来源,其动机,其特定领域或技能,其文化背景以及其个人生命中的发展历史。在我们将考虑的思想家中是弗洛伊德,荣,阿恩海姆,富兰克林和加德纳。不同的理论家强调该过程的不同方面。特别是,我们看到一些思想家如何强调持久的工作和专业知识,因为其他人强调需要“让它发生”的心灵自由并推测当创造者“让我们走的时候出现的东西。还有其他人识别文化背景或生物因素。 To concretize theoretical approaches, we look at how various ideas can contribute to understanding specific creative people and their work. In particular, we will consider works written by or about Picasso, Woolf, Welty, Darwin, and some contemporary artists and writers. Though creativity is most frequently explored in individuals, we also consider group improvisation in music and theatre. Some past conference projects have involved interviewing people engaged in creative work. Others consisted of library studies centering on the life and work of a particular creative person. Some students chose to do fieldwork at the Early Childhood Center and focus on an aspect of creative activity in young children.






儿童的书籍是成年人与儿童世界之间的重要桥梁。在本课程中,我们会提出以下问题:儿童文学的目的是什么?是什么让孩子们的书开发适合特定年龄的孩子?他们读或听的孩子对孩子很重要?孩子们如何成为读者?儿童书籍如何描绘特定文化或亚文化的独特性,允许那些内部看到他们在书籍和外面的人中反映的经验,以便深入了解他人的生活?书籍在多大程度上可以超越给定期间的特殊性和地点?课程读数包括关于儿童发展的着作,有关儿童文学的作品,以及最集中,儿童书籍自己 - 图片书籍,童话故事和儿童小说。课堂重点将在12岁时的书籍上为12岁。我们的孩子们的书籍作者将是Margaret Wise Brown,C.S. Lewis,Katherine Paterson,Maurice Sendak,Mildred Taylor,E. B. White和Vera B. Williams。许多不同类型的会议项目适用于本课程。 In past years, for example, students have worked with children (and their books) in fieldwork and service-learning settings, written original work for children (sometimes illustrating it, as well), traced a theme in children’s books, explored children’s books that illuminate particular racial or ethnic experiences, or examined books that capture the challenge of various disabilities.




一位指出的心理学家曾经说过,“你所看到的取决于你的样子。”我们的主题是童年的世界;在这个课堂上,我们尝试了不同的心理理论镜片,以突出这些世界的不同方面。弗洛伊德,埃里克森,布巴比和斯特恩提供了对情绪发展的不同观点。Skinner,Bandura,Piaget和Vygotsky在学习和认知问题上表现出各种方法。国际象棋和她的同事占据了气质问题及其与经验的互动问题。乔姆斯基和其他人处理语言的发展。我们将密切阅读理论家的答案,也可以提出他们的问题,询问每种理论的童年的哪些方面投入焦点。我们还将研究一些系统研究,即发展心理学家进行了确认,测试和批评各种理论:母婴关系的研究,认知和语言的发展,以及运动员的出现。在这些域中的几个域中,在普遍性地对普遍性问题上的文化中进行的研究与文化特异性发展。 Direct observation is an important complement to theoretical readings. In this class, all students will do fieldwork at the Early Childhood Center. At times, we will draw on student observations to support or critique theoretical concepts as part of the seminar. The fieldwork will also provide the basis for developing conference work. Ideally, conference projects combine the interests of the student, some library reading, and some aspect of fieldwork observation. Among the many diverse projects students have designed in the past are topics such as children’s friendships, the meanings of block building, and how young children use language.




创造性过程是矛盾的。它涉及自由和自发性,但需要专业知识和努力。创造者忘记自我时,创意过程是自我达到的,往往往往展开。创意过程带来了快乐,却充满了恐惧,挫折感,甚至是恐怖。创造性的过程是自己的奖励,依赖于社会支持和鼓励。在这个课堂上,我们看看各种思想家如何概念化创造性的过程 - 主要是艺术,而是在其他域中。我们了解各种心理学学家如何描述该过程,其来源,其动机,其特定领域或技能,其文化背景以及其个人生命中的发展历史。在我们将考虑的思想家中是弗洛伊德,荣,阿恩海姆,富兰克林和加德纳。不同的理论家强调该过程的不同方面。特别是,我们看到一些思想家如何强调持久的工作和专业知识,因为其他人强调需要“让它发生”的心灵自由并推测当创造者“让我们走的时候出现的东西。还有其他人识别文化背景或生物因素。 To concretize theoretical approaches, we look at how various ideas can contribute to understanding specific creative people and their work. In particular, we will consider works written by or about Picasso, Woolf, Welty, Darwin, and some contemporary artists and writers. Though creativity is most frequently explored in individuals, we also consider group improvisation in music and theatre. Some past conference projects have involved interviewing people engaged in creative work. Others consisted of library studies centering on the life and work of a particular creative person. Some students chose to do fieldwork at the Early Childhood Center and focus on an aspect of creative activity in young children.
