
加拿大温莎大学理学学士。哥伦比亚大学艺术硕士。美国诗人学会主席;纽约州桂冠诗人;的作者抹大拉;的作者好贼,被玛格丽特·阿特伍德选入国家诗歌系列;编辑,与迈克尔克莱因孤独相伴:从艾滋病大流行看美国写作的作者活着的人做什么;曾获美国诗人学会彼得·i·b·拉万青年诗人奖,拉德克里夫学院玛丽·英格拉姆·邦廷奖学金,以及国家艺术基金会、马萨诸塞州艺术家基金会和古根海姆博物馆的资助。SLC - 1993年





在这门为期一年的诗歌和生活世界的学校里,我们将考虑伟大的有机体盖亚,我们是其中的一部分。我们将每周读诗和写诗。我们会问:我们什么时候开始认为自然与我们是分开的?为什么我们开始谈论动物,好像我们也不是动物似的?是什么故事和神话决定了我们对自己和信仰的态度?我们会读一些故事和神话(创世神话;伊甸园,失落的花园)。我们会读到关于这一主题的诗歌悠久而丰富的传统,从早期的土著居民到禅宗僧侣和华兹华斯,再到加里·斯奈德,再到当代诗人的作品。我们将阅读书籍和文章,这些书籍和文章教给我们关于其他动物和生物的知识,我们称之为植物、树木、行星和星系。每个学生都将研究生活世界的一个方面,并将他们所学到的教给我们其他人。 And we will write poems that incorporate that knowledge. We will read books of poems but also watch films, take field trips, and meet with each other outside of class in weekly poetry dates. By the end of the class, my hope is that each of us will have a greater understanding of the great organism that we call Earth and will create a collection of poems that engage the questions that our class raises: What is time? What is death? What is Eden? Where is the garden now? Who are the other organisms? How have we, as a species, affected the other organisms? How have we affected the oceans, the Earth, the air? How can poetry address the planetary emergency? Required for this class: intellectual curiosity, empathy, and a willingness to observe the world, to pay attention, and to write poetry that matters. This is a class for experienced writers, as well as for those who want to give writing poetry a try. All are welcome.




真正的诗是无法改写的。诗歌用明亮有趣的语言,似乎包含着不可言说的东西。这就是奇迹。我们怎么做呢?在这门课程中,我们将沉浸在诗歌艺术的实践中,每周专注于艺术的一个特定方面:图像,隐喻,措辞,语法,音乐性,语气等。我们每周都要写一首诗,并阅读这些诗来指导和激励我们。(诗人斯宾塞·里斯称诗集为“神圣的手提箱”——你可以把它们带到任何地方。)我们会读彼此的诗。我们将读诗人写的散文。我们将把观察结果写在日记里。 We will look at visual art, listen to music, watch films. If you have never taken a poetry class before, this class is for you. If you have taken poetry classes before, this workshop is for you. I ask for generosity of spirit, curiosity, respect, and commitment. We form a community of artists and, within that community, find support and strength. We will have a wonderful time.






诗歌不能改写;它包含着不可言说的东西。一首诗是怎么做到的呢?我们将通过练习诗歌技巧来找到答案。我们将阅读大量广泛的出版诗歌,并学习如何加深我们自己的诗歌。我们将练习扩展我们对措辞、句法、声音、形象和隐喻的使用。我们将练习有机形式和接受形式的写作。作家们每周写一篇观察日记,每周读一组已发表的诗歌,每周写一首新诗,每周与班上的另一位作家举行诗歌约会。此外,每位作者每隔一周将与我进行一次半小时的会议。学期结束时,每位作者将把修改后的内容收集到一本手册中。 My hope is that you will write poems that will teach you something that you did not already know, poems that will astonish you and break open your own heart. Love and rigor will guide us. Our class will be celebrative and encouraging. Come and be changed.






在这门为期一年的关于地球和星星的诗歌课上,我们将考虑我们是其中一部分的伟大有机体盖亚。我们将读到关于这一主题的诗歌悠久而丰富的传统,从早期的土著居民到禅宗僧侣和华兹华斯,再到加里·斯奈德,再到布伦达·希尔曼和蔡斯·特维奇尔等当代诗人。我们要思想大地和其中所充满的。我们将进行实地考察,看电影,研究树木和植物,听鸟鸣。我们将每周写一首诗,阅读,在诗歌约会中见面,观察和学习。在这门课结束时,我希望我们每个人都能对我们称之为地球的伟大有机体有更深刻的理解,并能有一本诗集,以某种方式唱给地球听,也唱给我们课上提出的问题:时间是什么?死亡是什么?伊甸园是什么?现在花园在哪里?其他动物是谁? What is a star? What is occurring right now in the deep ocean? What does it mean that everything seems to eat everything? (Again) what is death? What is time? Which bird is that singing right now?




在这门为期一年的诗歌与地球的学校里,我们将考虑我们是其中一部分的伟大有机体盖亚。我们将读到关于这一主题的诗歌悠久而丰富的传统,从早期的土著居民到禅宗僧侣和华兹华斯,一直到加里·斯奈德,再到当代诗人,如布伦达·希尔曼和蔡斯·特切尔。我们还将阅读有关物质世界的书籍和文章。我们会想知道生态诗和自然诗有什么不同。我们先练习一个,然后再练习另一个。每个学生将研究自然世界的一个方面,并将这些知识纳入纪实诗。每个学生每学期都将以会议项目的形式向班级社区展示他/她的知识和诗歌。我们会读诗集,但也会看电影,实地考察,并在课外见面。在这门课结束时,我希望我们每个人都能对我们称之为地球的伟大有机体有更深刻的理解,并能创作出一本诗集来回答我们课上提出的问题:时间是什么?死亡是什么? What is Eden? Where is the garden now? Who are the other organisms? How have we, as a species, affected the other organisms? How have we affected the oceans, the earth, the air? How can poetry address the ecological crisis? Required for this class: intellectual curiosity, empathy, and a willingness to observe the world—to pay attention and to write poetry that matters—beyond the individual self. This is a class for experienced writers, as well as for those who want to give writing poetry a try. All are welcome.




在这门为期一年的诗歌和生活世界的学校里,我们将考虑伟大的有机体盖亚,我们是其中的一部分。我们将每周读诗和写诗。我们会问:我们什么时候开始认为自然与我们是分开的?为什么我们开始谈论动物,好像我们也不是动物似的?是什么故事和神话决定了我们对自己和信仰的态度?我们会读一些故事和神话(创世神话;伊甸园,失落的花园)。我们会读到关于这一主题的诗歌悠久而丰富的传统,从早期的土著居民到禅宗僧侣和华兹华斯,再到加里·斯奈德,再到当代诗人的作品。我们将阅读书籍和文章,这些书籍和文章教给我们关于其他动物和生物的知识,我们称之为植物、树木、行星和星系。每个学生都将研究生活世界的一个方面,并将他们所学到的教给我们其他人。 And we will write poems that incorporate that knowledge. We will read books of poems but also watch films, take field trips, and meet with each other outside of class in weekly poetry dates. By the end of the class, my hope is that each of us will have a greater understanding of the great organism that we call Earth and will create a collection of poems that engage the questions that our class raises: What is time? What is death? What is Eden? Where is the garden now? Who are the other organisms? How have we, as a species, affected the other organisms? How have we affected the oceans, the Earth, the air? How can poetry address the planetary emergency? Required for this class: intellectual curiosity, empathy, and a willingness to observe the world, to pay attention, and to write poetry that matters. This is a class for experienced writers, as well as for those who want to give writing poetry a try. All are welcome.




诗是人类在欢乐中、在爱中、在恐惧中、在惊奇中、在祈祷中、在谴责中、在战争中、在和平中、在故事中、在幻想中呼喊出来的歌。人类的诗歌把我们聚集在一起,使我们有个性,并安慰我们。我们在葬礼、婚礼、毕业典礼上读诗……无论是在公共场合还是在私人场合,他们都陪伴着我们走过生活的大门。通过一本书,一台电脑,一封信,一首歌来分享。现在,我们发现自己正处于一场不可阻挡的生态灾难的边缘。意识的转变是必要的。诗歌如何做到这一点呢?很长一段时间以来,我们都没有注意到我们的文明和技术是如何影响其他生物世界的。本课程将提出以下问题:我们认为自己是谁?谁教我们的? Who are we in relation to the other animals? To trees and plants? To insects? To stars? How have our human myths informed those relationships? How are those myths evident in our human world today? What is poetry? What is ecopoetry? How can poetry instruct? How can poetry document? How can poetry re-vision? Prophesy? Protest? Preserve? Imagine? In our time together, you will read poetry written by published poets. You will write your own poems, one each week, and share them with each other. You will keep observation journals, meet with another person in our class each week in a poetry date, and meet with me in individual and small-group conferences. We will proceed as curious learners and writers. Through our close study, each of you (in conference work and together) will learn about a very specific aspect of the natural world that interests you (an animal, a forest, a coral reef, etc.) and then teach the rest of us in class what you have learned. We will learn how to write poems about these subjects so that the poem itself becomes an experience we have never had before. And we might slowly move away from the human as the center of the poem and welcome the rest of the living world in. We will know more at the end of this class about the other animals and plants and insects and rivers and oceans. If our hearts break with this deepening relationship, we might also discover a great joy and a new responsibility. We will want to share what we have learned and written with the wider community. We will find ways to do that. I can assure you, we will be changed. Students will have an individual conference every other week and a half-group conference on alternating weeks.








诗人拉尼尔·玛丽亚·里尔克(Ranier Maria Rilke)曾写道,诗不仅仅是感觉,也是经历。感觉和体验之间的区别是什么?一首诗如何成为一种体验?一首源于个人的诗如何能超越个人?写诗如何改变作家?每首诗都蕴含着不可言说的东西。一首诗是怎么做到的呢?我们怎么能尝试这样做——用语言吗?如果你对这些问题感兴趣,请选修这门课程。它对有经验的作家开放,也对绝对的初学者开放。 If you are interested in these questions, you are welcome. This is a reading/writing course. We will spend time every week reading poems that have already been published (by dead poets and living poets) to see how they were made: music, syntax, line, sound, and image. We might spend time generating new work in class through exercises and experiments. And we will spend time looking closely at one another’s work, encouraging each other to take risks and move even closer to the mystery of the poem. Each writer in the class will meet with another class member once a week on a “poetry date.” Each writer will be responsible for reading the assigned work and for bringing to class one written offering each week. We will work hard, learn a great deal about poetry and about our own poems, and have a wonderful time.




诗人拉尼尔·玛丽亚·里尔克(Ranier Maria Rilke)曾写道,诗不仅仅是感觉,也是经历。感觉和体验之间的区别是什么?一首诗如何成为一种体验?一首源于个人的诗如何能超越个人?写诗如何改变作家?每首诗都蕴含着不可言说的东西。一首诗是怎么做到的呢?我们怎么能尝试这样做——用语言吗?如果你对这些问题感兴趣,请选修这门课程。课程对有经验的作家开放,也对绝对的初学者开放。 If you are interested in these questions, you are welcome. This is a reading/writing course. We will spend time every week reading poems that have already been published (by dead poets and living poets) to see how they were made: music, syntax, line, sound, and image. We might spend time generating new work in class through exercises and experiments. And we will spend time looking closely at one another’s work, encouraging each other to take risks and to move even closer to the mystery of the poem. Each writer in the class will meet with another class member once a week on a “poetry date.” Each writer will be responsible for reading the assigned work and for bringing to class one written offering each week. We will work hard, learn a great deal about poetry and about our own poems, and have a wonderful time.




真正的诗是无法改写的。诗歌用明亮有趣的语言,似乎包含着不可言说的东西。这就是奇迹。我们怎么做呢?在这门课程中,我们将沉浸在诗歌艺术的实践中,每周专注于艺术的一个特定方面:图像,隐喻,措辞,语法,音乐性,语气等。我们每周都要写一首诗,并阅读这些诗来指导和激励我们。(诗人斯宾塞·里斯(Spencer Reece)把诗集称为“神圣的手提箱”——你可以把它们带到任何地方。)我们会读彼此的诗。我们将读诗人写的散文。我们将把观察结果写在日记里。 We will look at visual art, listen to music, watch films. If you have never taken a poetry class before, this class is for you. If you have taken poetry classes before, this workshop is for you. I ask for generosity of spirit, curiosity, respect, and commitment. We form a community of artists and, within that community, find support and strength. We will have a wonderful time.






几个世纪以来,诗人一直用别人的声音说话。从早期希腊人到莎士比亚,到沃尔特·惠特曼,到艾米莉·狄金森,到罗伯特·弗罗斯特,西尔维亚·普拉斯,罗伯特·海登,露西尔·克利夫顿,路易斯·格拉克,帕特丽夏·史密斯,尼克·弗林,乔里·格雷厄姆,泰辛巴·杰斯等。当一个人用古代故事或神话中的人物的声音说话时,有什么可能呢?当一个人向生活在另一个时代的人物发声时,会发生什么呢?谁敢用花的声音说话?蜜蜂?暴风雨?一颗恒星?如果一个人说出自己意识中声音的片段,会怎样?在这门课上,我们会读到诗人用另一种语言说话的诗,或者戴着另一个人的面具,或者其他东西的诗。 Each participant will be expected to deeply read assigned collections each week, to meet with another student in a weekly poetry date, and to bring in one new persona poem each week. I hope we will find that outside the limits of the personal story is a cosmos of possibilities for empathy, revision, wonder, instruction, and finding another way in:
