
英航,瑞米伦贝格大学。社会研究新学院硕士、博士。临床心理学家,对人际关系在整个生命周期中塑造发展、经历和幸福的重要性以及创造性过程、正念和恢复性睡眠在培养适应力和健康方面的作用有特殊兴趣。经验领域包括:依恋理论和人类一生的联系,关系精神分析理论,简短的关系/心理动力心理治疗和认知行为治疗研究,睡眠研究,心理和神经心理评估,所有层次的护理和服务不足的社区的临床实践,创造性流理论和正念为基础的实践。目前的工作集中在关联、现实和数字时代。SLC - 2013年

本科课程2021 - 2022





虽然在当代文化的部分地区经常被边缘化,但睡眠会使醒来的生活成为可能。虽然我们可能会想到睡觉为“停下来”,但我们的睡眠心灵在巩固新的回忆,加工情绪,制作创造性的联系,甚至为未来做准备时很难。我们的身体恢复,我们的免疫系统得到加强。睡眠剥夺和无序的睡眠可以对健康和福祉产生灾难性的影响。支持睡眠健康可能对生产力,认知功能,情绪和创造性过程产生深远的影响。这种迷你讲座将提供当前睡眠科学的基本概况,包括:睡眠唤醒规则的双程模型;睡眠阶段的功能;发育睡眠模式;梦想和梦想(包括Lucid Deaming);初级睡眠障碍(如睡眠呼吸暂停和鼻腔); and the impact of anxiety, depression, and substance use (including caffeine and alcohol) on sleep. We will further explore topics such as sleep routine; sleep environment; racial, socioeconomic, and gender inequities in sleep access; sleep in the digital age (such as the impact of blue-light on circadian rhythms and the influence of video games on dreaming); and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sleep. Historical, developmental, neuropsychological, physiological, and cross-cultural perspectives on sleep and well-being will be considered. This class will meet for one lecture section and one smaller seminar/conference section per week. Conference work will be group-based and will include the opportunity to develop sleep strategies based on your group’s literature review and observations of your own sleep patterns.




在过去的几年里,数字空间,如社交媒体,即时通讯应用,约会的应用程序和在线社区,已经改变了我们在其中体验到自己和对方的方式。由于COVID-19大流行SENT很多日常生活的网上,这个过程被加速放大,提供一些连接的好处,为他人挑战,并强调在获得差距为多。这学期,我们将讨论这种影响,并通过新兴的研究和相关意见前处理的路径。This seminar will consider how various digital platforms (e.g., social media, gaming communities, dating apps, messaging and video chats, virtual reality) impact the ways in which people navigate identity, build and maintain important relationships, form communities, and create a shared reality. Classes will be both discussion-based and experiential, with opportunities for observation and in-class activities related to weekly topics. Class reading will include psychological perspectives on social media and video games; gender, sexuality, and race in the digital age; developmental, neuropsychological, and clinical psychology and related fields. Reading assignments will include both academic literature and relevant popular media. Supplemental material will include films, TedTalks, and podcasts. Conference projects may include a range of topics and may be completed in the form of an extended, APA-style literature review or as an APA-style literature review along with a related podcast, fieldwork observations, and/or another original creative piece. Students who are interested in completing a semester-long, weekly fieldwork placement in the SLC Early Childhood Center (ECC) as part of their conference work (e.g. observing children in a screen-free environment over time) may have the opportunity to do so. NOTE: ECC fieldwork positions are limited due to COVID-19 precautions. If you are interested in a potential ECC placement, you will need to contact the ECC Director, Lorayne Carbon, as soon as you are registered for this class and prior to classes beginning. If you are able to secure an ECC fieldwork placement, please note that this will be a semester-long commitment. You will be expected to attend your scheduled ECC placement for four hours each week, work closely with your classroom teacher, and actively engage in your role as a classroom assistant.





第二次,第三年,第三年和第四年级学生将在2022年春季完成实习安置,有资格与与SLC职业服务合作的基于实习课程。本课程的目的是帮助学生在Covid-19大流行后在其所选领域的大学生活中转变为工作经验。该课程将包括关于通信和网络的中学期研讨会,以及基于学生兴趣的学期结束校友面板。在本学期中,学生将探索在远程工作和不确定性时期建立职业身份的过程。每周阅读将包括心理学和相关领域的主题。主题将包括建立专业的身份,早期监管技能,多样性股权和包容,工作场所沟通,冒名综合征,专业网络,压力管理,工作寿命平衡以及支持福祉的方式。课程将包括基于分配的阅读和实习观察和经验活动的讨论(例如,通信,网络,冥想)。学生将被邀请通过课堂讨论、体验活动、小组合作和观察期刊来整合他们的实习经历。目标是为学生获得对关键概念的学术和经验理解,学生可以将本学期及以后应用。已经完成建立专业身份的学生(适用于三个或五个信贷),并在本课程中填写新的实习,第二次(三个或五个信贷)注册,重点进一步发展领导和委派技能。 Returning students will attend the same class meetings as first-time students; however, reading and class assignments will focus on early career supervision, mentorship, and leadership roles. Internships may be in any field and must be approved by SLC Career Services prior to registering for this course. An offer letter for your placement must be secured prior to registering for this course; your placement should begin no later than the end of the add/drop period. This class meets once weekly in the evening and may include periodic conference meetings and/or Career Service consultations. Students are expected to attend weekly class meetings in addition to regularly attending their internship placements.




在2021年秋季完成实习的二、三、四年级学生有资格学习这门与SLC职业服务中心合作提供的实践性课程。课程的目的是帮助学生在他们所选择的领域从大学生活过渡到工作经验——在学术学习和工作环境的参与之间架起桥梁。在本学期中,学生将在工业组织和积极心理学的基础上发展相关概念的学术理解。学生将被邀请通过课堂讨论、体验活动、小组合作和观察期刊来整合他们的实习经历。本课程的目标是让学生对关键概念有一个学术和经验上的理解,学生可以申请这些概念,以帮助促进本学期和以后成功的工作和生活平衡。主题一般适用于工作场所文化和工作与生活的平衡。课堂阅读作业将包括工业组织心理学、积极心理学和相关领域的学术文献,以及相关的流行媒体。主题将包括工作场所沟通,多样性和包容性,专业网络,工作制作,压力管理,工作-生活平衡,以及支持幸福的方法。课程将包括基于指定阅读和实习观察的讨论,与课堂主题相关的体验活动(如沟通、网络、冥想),职业服务研讨会,以及最近的校友小组。已经完成职场文化和福利基础课程(3或5学分)并正在完成新的实习的学生可以第二次注册该课程(3或5学分),重点是进一步发展领导力和导师技能。 Returning students will attend the same class meetings as first time students; however, reading and class assignments will focus on early career supervision, mentorship, and leadership roles. An offer letter for your placement must be secured and submitted to Career Services prior to registering for this course; your placement should begin no later than the end of the add/drop period. Internships may be in any field and must be approved by SLC Career Services prior to registering for this course. This class meets once weekly in the evening and may include periodic conference meetings and/or Career Service consultations. Students are expected to attend weekly class meetings in addition to regularly attending their internship placements.






整个生命中,人们可能会遇到各种各样的吸引力,亲密和损失范围。从强烈渴望深刻悲伤,人们发现自己的关系 - 可以消耗大部分注意力。关于连接可以持有这样的电力的某些其他人是什么?为什么人们对某些关系而不是别人?这些重要的关系是否影响了一个人的发展?由John Bowlby开创,附件理论强调婴儿和早期童年依附对社会,情感和认知发展的影响。附着理论已成为早期人类发展的广泛接受的基石。人类粘结的目前的研究已经生长为包括整个寿命的关键关系。从婴儿期和幼儿期成立的附件开始,本课程将通过童年,青春期,成年期和成年增长来研究重要关系的影响。我们将考虑如何实现或剥夺重要关系可能会影响发展和福祉。 Landmark discoveries and emerging studies in attachment theory and human bonding will be covered, including relevant aspects of neuropsychological development, autism, adoption, queer families, resilience, spiritual identification, social affiliation, and parenting. Readings will include classical attachment literature, contemporary human-bonding research, developmental psychopathology, feminist critique, identity theory, social psychology, neuropsychology, object relations, and psychoanalytic literature. Film, case studies, and examples from popular media will be included for reflection and class discussion. A one-time observation in the Early Childhood Center (ECC) is required; weekly fieldwork in the ECC is encouraged. Conference work may include observations from the ECC (child or parent-child interactions observed during fieldwork) or observations from other settings such as youth/adolescent programs or older adult community centers.




依恋理论已成为人们理解早期人类发展的基础。由约翰·鲍比(John Bowlby)首创的依恋理论强调婴儿和幼儿与照料者(通常是父母)的关系在社会和情感发展中的作用。随着依恋理论研究的不断深入,人们对整个青春期和成年期的人与人之间的联系越来越感兴趣。不再局限于婴儿期和幼儿期建立的依恋,了解在青春期、成年期和老年期人际关系对我们的影响是越来越重要的领域。在神经心理学发展、收养、酷儿家庭、精神认同、社会联系和养育方面,对依恋的新兴研究为我们提供了新的见解,让我们了解在一生中实现或剥夺重要关系是如何影响发展和幸福的。本课程探索依恋理论的历史和交叉理论根源,跟踪依恋理论和研究的进展和完善,并着眼于从童年到青春期、成年期和老年期的依恋。阅读内容包括古典依恋理论、当代依恋研究、发展精神病理学、女权主义批评、认同理论、社会心理学、神经心理学、客体关系和精神分析文献。电影和相关案例研究将包括在反思和课堂讨论中。学生将被要求在幼儿中心(ECC)完成每周的实地工作实习。学生将每周与课堂教师密切合作一小时,并成为课堂的一部分(根据课堂教师的建议和监督),同时保持与研讨会目标和会议工作相关的每周观察日志。会议将包括ECC的意见(儿童或儿童家长意见)。会议工作还可能包括学生可能正在完成实地调查的其他环境中的观察,如青年/青少年项目或瓦茨堡老年生活中心。




在上个世纪的技术进步帮助建立睡眠的神经生理和神经过程的理解;在本世纪的技术进步已经取得理解和使用数字设备和应用程序监控自己的睡眠普及。已经长边缘化或者被视为一个弱点,放纵的奢侈品,或者阻挡生产力,睡眠的生理心理资产越来越突出的价值。考虑睡眠中央福祉,认知功能,创造力和生产力正在进入主流话语,并倡导睡眠作为一项人权是获得发言权。午睡椅在工作场所雨后春笋般冒出来,生物钟的发现被授予诺贝尔文学奖,以及剥夺睡眠已成为一个著名的公共健康问题。在这里我们通过数字屏,电光源,全日咖啡文化,在苛刻的期望包围的时间的时间,并获得高质量的睡眠是由社会经济差距,文化的影响正逐渐在睡眠被视为宝贵的财富,不仅花费的时间“关”,从清醒的生活。是什么在支撑这个新兴睡眠叙事研究?什么是睡眠的社会,情感,认知和神经心理好处?什么是睡眠障碍的影响?什么是睡眠和睡眠访问的障碍? What is an optimal sleep environment? And what new questions do we pose? Is there a relationship among sleep quality, anxiety, and attention challenges? Is there a relationship between sleepwalking and stress? How do attitudes toward sleep impact the experience of people with chronic fatigue? Do children who get regular and adequate sleep demonstrate greater social competence? How does attachment security impact sleep quality? What is the relationship between gender and sleep needs? How does sleeping in alignment with seasonal light/dark patterns impact mood? How does access to digital devices impact sleep quality? Is adequate sleep stigmatized in a 24-hour culture? How do attitudes toward caffeine use differ from attitudes toward nootropics (“smart drugs” intended to reduce the need for sleep)? How does sleep quality impact productivity? Do high-school classes start too early for teenagers? Will napping after studying improve memory? How does sleep quality impact athletic performance? Does sleep quality impact how dance students learn new choreography? Do artists, musicians, and writers find creative solutions in dreams? Does meditation lead to more lucid dreams? How does room temperature impact sleep quality? How does working night shifts impact mood and cognitive functioning? How do socioeconomic barriers to adequate sleep and homelessness impact academic performance and well-being in school-age children? In this intermediate-level course, we will attempt to better understand questions such as these and others related to the broad topic of sleep. Through examining established research/theory and pursuing new lines of research, students will consider the impact of sleep quality on physical and emotional well-being, productivity, academic/work performance, cognitive and social functioning; the impact of physical illness and/or mental illness on sleep quality; the role of sleep and dreaming in memory, learning, and other functions; developmental sleep needs and patterns; gender differences in sleep needs and sleep quality; the impact of sleep environment on sleep quality; sleep in the digital age; and the impact of psychosocial factors/economic disparity on sleep quality. Over the course of the semester, students will design an independent research project related to one of those topics or another topic relevant to sleep. Students will learn how to conduct an academic literature review, formulate the rationale for a research project, develop an effective research methodology, collect data, analyze data, interpret the results, and communicate the findings in an APA-style paper. This course serves as an introduction to research methods, with a specific focus on sleep-related phenomena through your own research. Topics will include experimental research design, case studies, observational techniques, survey development, and hypothesis testing. In addition to individual A/B-week conference meetings, students will discuss conference research projects in class throughout the semester, providing and obtaining feedback to/from peers on formulating research questions, methods, data analysis, and interpretation of results. Projects could include fieldwork at the Early Childhood Center or another setting relevant to the project.





依恋理论已成为人们理解早期人类发展的基础。由约翰·鲍比(John Bowlby)首创的依恋理论强调婴儿和幼儿与照料者(通常是父母)的关系在社会和情感发展中的作用。随着依恋理论研究的不断深入,人们对整个青春期和成年期的人与人之间的联系越来越感兴趣。不再局限于婴儿期和幼儿期建立的依恋,了解在青春期、成年期和老年期人际关系对我们的影响是越来越重要的领域。在神经心理学发展、收养、酷儿家庭、精神认同、社会联系和养育方面,对依恋的新兴研究为我们提供了新的见解,让我们了解在一生中实现或剥夺重要关系是如何影响发展和幸福的。本课程探索依恋理论的历史和交叉理论根源,跟踪依恋理论和研究的进展和完善,并着眼于从童年到青春期、成年期和老年期的依恋。阅读内容包括古典依恋理论、当代依恋研究、发展精神病理学、女权主义批评、认同理论、社会心理学、神经心理学、客体关系和精神分析文献。电影和相关案例研究将包括在反思和课堂讨论中。学生将被要求在幼儿中心(ECC)完成每周的实地工作实习。学生将每周与课堂教师密切合作一小时,并成为课堂的一部分(根据课堂教师的建议和监督),同时保持与研讨会目标和会议工作相关的每周观察日志。会议将包括ECC的意见(儿童或儿童家长意见)。会议工作还可能包括学生可能正在完成实地调查的其他环境中的观察,如青年/青少年项目或瓦茨堡老年生活中心。




本次研讨会旨在研究人类是如何进化到相互联系和相互联系的,以及我们与生俱来的关系模式如何适应(或不适应)快速发展的数字世界。我们将考虑数字生活如何改变人们的联系方式,以及这对一些人来说可能是挑战,但对另一些人来说是有益的方式。我们将从依恋理论的相关历史和发展观点、人际关系和转变的关系期望开始。我们将继续讨论数字世界的各个领域(如社交媒体、短信、约会应用、视频聊天、人工智能、虚拟现实)如何影响我们的关系模式,以及自我和身份表达的各个方面(如性别、性、价值观、信仰、兴趣)。我们将考虑数字空间在建立新联系、建立友谊、坠入爱河和维持浪漫关系方面的作用,以及当我们的目光盯着屏幕而不是彼此时,可能发生的欺凌、报复、挑衅和移情障碍。我们还将考虑我们与人工智能的新接触以及我们对数字设备本身的依恋。课程将以讨论和体验为基础,并提供观察机会(例如,观察儿童在幼儿中心与/参与游戏,不使用数字设备)和与每周主题相关的课堂活动(例如,比较使用早期逻辑数字玩具的经验,比如西蒙和Speak n ' Spell,还有能表达情感的数字玩具,比如Furby)。课堂阅读将包括来自发展、神经心理学、临床和文化心理学及相关领域不同视角的一手和二手学术材料。补充材料将包括相关文献、回忆录、ted演讲和相关主题的流行媒体报道。 Conference topics may include, but are not limited to, the role of digital spaces in forming and maintaining relationships; relationships formed through artificial intelligence and/or digital devices; and/or developmental, neuropsychological, clinical, social and/or cultural perspectives on, or shifts in, relating in the digital age. Conference projects may be completed in the form of an academic literature review, in original data collection, and/or in a creative piece with academic justification and will include a class presentation.





睡眠是人类经验的重要组成部分,但在当代文化中却常常被边缘化。本讲座从历史、发展、神经心理学、生理学和文化的角度探讨了睡眠的构成,并探讨了睡眠在精神病理学、相关医疗条件和健康方面的作用。我们将研究睡眠如何影响临床条件,以及睡眠如何受到临床条件的影响,同时也将研究东西方对睡眠阶段、生物钟和睡眠调节的理解方法。历史和当代关于梦的理论——包括梦的结构和梦在记忆巩固、创造性问题解决和为未来做准备方面的作用——将被考虑。将考虑发育性睡眠需求的差异,以及睡眠行为的性别差异。睡眠不足对认知功能、学习/工作表现、情绪和社交功能的影响,以及影响充足睡眠的社会经济障碍(如轮班工作)、24小时文化的压力和数字设备的使用,将被检查。课程最后将探讨良好睡眠的强大益处,包括脑电图(EEG)和神经成像数据的证据,以及对幸福感异常高的文化的检查。本课程每周会有一个讲座部分和一个小组会议/研讨会部分。每周的讲座将集中于睡眠的基础。每周小组会议将更深入地讨论讲课材料和感兴趣的特定领域。 Registered students will choose one group conference section to attend each week, based on their interests. Three group conference sections will be offered: Sleep Routine and Sleep Environment, Developmental Sleep Patterns and Sleep Disorders, and Dreams. Weekly reading assignments will include literature in sleep science, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, physiology, positive psychology, clinical theory and research, relevant case studies, essays, and memoir. Select film and documentary material will be included for class discussion. Additionally, class members will follow the topic of sleep in popular media. All class members will be asked to monitor their sleep patterns using available sleep apps and/or observation logs. Course requirements include a multiple-choice and short-answer midterm exam and a final essay exam. Weekly discussion posts will be due prior to each week’s group conference section. During the semester, students will record observations of their sleep over two 10-day assessment periods. Each conference group will be responsible for: a literature review and brief informational summary/presentation of their topic; developing a sleep strategy based on their topic, literature review, and initial sleep observations; a poster presentation of their work at the Fall SciMath poster symposium; and a final presentation of their work in class. Group conference projects will consider topics such as developmental sleep needs, quality of sleep environment, light/dark exposure, use of digital devices, and bedtime routine. Project themes may also include topics related to sleep, such as dreaming, memory/other cognitive functions, cultural aspects of sleep, and/or mindfulness meditation. Students interested in developmental aspects of sleep in children may complete a weekly fieldwork placement at the Early Childhood Center.





睡眠是一种非常强大的片人的经验,一个大家做或做得不够,在当代文化常常被边缘化。这种开放层次讲座检查对睡眠的构建历史,发育,神经心理,生理和文化的角度,探索睡眠的精神病理学中的作用,相关的医疗条件和健康。如何睡眠的影响,并通过影响,临床条件进行审查,以东部和西部沿接近了解睡眠阶段,生物钟和睡眠调节。做梦,梦想,包括结构和梦想的记忆巩固,创造性地解决问题,并为准备中的作用未来将被视为历史上和当代理论。将考虑发育性睡眠需求的差异,以及睡眠行为的性别差异。The impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive function, school/work performance, mood, and social functioning will be examined, as well as socioeconomic barriers to adequate sleep (e.g., shift work), pressures of 24-hour culture, and use of digital devices. The course will conclude with a look at the powerful benefits of sleeping well, including evidence from electroencephalogram (EEG) and neuroimaging data, as well as from examination of cultures with exceptionally high levels of well-being. This class will meet for one lecture section and one smaller seminar section per week, plus A/B-week group conference sections. Weekly lectures will focus on the neuropsychological, cognitive, and clinical aspects of sleep phenomena. Weekly seminar sections will offer deeper discussion of lecture material and related psychosocial topics. Conference groups will meet every other week for supervision on group conference work. Weekly reading assignments will include literature in sleep science, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, physiology, positive psychology, clinical theory and research, relevant case studies, essays, and memoir. Select film and documentary material will be included for class discussion. Additionally, class members will follow the topic of sleep in popular media. All class members will be asked to monitor their sleep patterns using available sleep apps and/or observation logs. Group conference work will be based on sleep-log observations and experience with sleep strategies related to class material. Group conference projects will include a group presentation and written summary of key observation themes supported by relevant empirical literature. Projects will consider developmental sleep needs, quality of sleep environment, light/dark exposure, use of digital devices, and bedtime routine. Project themes may also include topics related to sleep, such as dreaming, memory/other cognitive functions, cultural aspects of sleep, and/or mindfulness meditation. Students interested in developmental aspects of sleep in children may complete a weekly fieldwork placement at the Early Childhood Center.








这个研讨会将探讨数字时代的关联和现实。在秋季学期,我们将专注于人类如何进化到相互联系和相互联系,以及我们与生俱来的关系模式如何适应(或不适应)快速发展的数字世界。我们将考虑数字生活如何改变人们的联系方式,以及这对一些人来说可能是挑战,但对另一些人来说是有益的方式。我们将从依恋理论的相关历史和发展观点、人际关系和转变的关系期望开始。我们将继续讨论数字世界的各个领域(如社交媒体、短信、约会应用程序、视频聊天、人工智能、虚拟现实)如何影响我们的关系模式,以及自我和身份表达的各个方面(如性别、性、价值观、信仰、兴趣)。我们将考虑数字空间在建立新的联系、建立友谊、坠入爱河和维持浪漫关系方面的作用,以及当我们的目光盯着屏幕而不是彼此时,欺凌、报复、挑衅和潜在的移情障碍所产生的作用。我们还将考虑我们与人工智能的新接触以及我们对数字设备本身的依恋。在春季学期,我们将研究现实是如何被历史、临床和文化定义的;一个人的现实感是如何通过发展形成的;以及内部、环境、社会和文化因素对一个人的现实感有什么影响。 Can reality ever truly be objective? Building on material from the first semester, we will examine the innate, developmental, cultural, and social psychological factors that shape our perception of reality and our choice of reliable sources, including the roles of race, gender, and ethnicity in those processes. We will consider how psychological constructs and psychometric measures of reality have taken those factors into consideration, both currently and historically. We will next consider ways in which one’s sense of reality may be impacted by clinical conditions such as brain injury, psychosis, depression, trauma, and anxiety; altered by substances such as psychedelics; influenced by dreams; and potentially enhanced through meditation. We will then consider how the content, pace, and sheer volume of information currently cycling through social media and 24-hour news outlets may impact our perception of reality. Classes will be both discussion-based and experiential, with opportunities for observation (e.g., observing children relating/engaging in play in the SLC Early Childhood Center (ECC) free from digital devices) and in-class activities related to weekly topics (e.g., comparing experiences by engaging with early logic-based digital toys such as Simon and Speak n’ Spell vs. digital toys that express affection such as Furby and contemporary AI). Class reading will include primary- and secondary-source academic material from diverse perspectives in developmental, neuropsychological, clinical, and cultural psychology and related fields. Supplemental material will include relevant literature, memoir, TedTalks, and popular media coverage of related topics. Conference topics may include, but are not limited to, the role of digital spaces in forming and maintaining relationships; relationships formed to artificial intelligence and/or digital devices; and/or developmental, neuropsychological, clinical, social, and/or cultural perspectives on/shifts in relating in the digital age. Conference projects may be completed in the form of an APA-style literature review, original data collection, and/or a creative piece with academic justification and will include a class presentation. Optional weekly fieldwork is available and encouraged for any interested students.









这是一门以实践为基础的课程,提供给二、三、四年级的学生,他们将在2021年春季学期完成实习。课程的目的是帮助学生在COVID-19大流行期间从大学生活过渡到所选领域的工作经验。本课程与萨拉劳伦斯大学就业服务中心合作提供,包括学期中关于沟通和网络的研讨会,以及基于学生兴趣的学期末校友小组。在本学期中,学生将探索在远程工作和不确定性时期建立职业身份的过程。每周阅读将包括心理学和相关领域的主题。主题将包括建立职业身份,早期管理技能,多样性公平和包容,工作场所沟通,冒名顶替综合症,职业网络,压力管理,工作生活平衡,以及支持健康的方法。课程将包括基于指定阅读和实习观察的讨论,以及与课堂主题相关的体验活动(如沟通、网络、冥想)。学生将被邀请通过课堂讨论、体验活动、小组合作和观察期刊来整合他们的实习经历。目标是让学生获得对关键概念的学术和经验理解,学生可以在本学期和以后应用这些概念。二、三、四年级的学生,只要完成实习、实习或相关工作经验,都可以参加本课程。 All internships (fieldwork placements and/or other work experiences) must be registered on Handshake and approved by Career Services to be eligible for this class. (Please see the SLC career services website for details on registering your placement.)




这是与SLC职业服务合作提供的基于实习课程。将在2020年秋季完成实习安置的二次,第三年和第四年的学生有资格参加本课程。该课程的目的是帮助学生从学术生活中过渡到工作经验。本课程将解决一般适用于工作场所文化和跨越领域的主题,如通信,多样性和包容,专业网络,工作制作,应力管理和工作生活平衡。在学期中,学生将开发对相关概念的学术理解,从工业,组织,积极心理学和相关领域绘制。学生将被邀请通过课堂讨论、体验活动、小组合作和观察期刊来整合他们的实习经历。课堂阅读作业将包括学术文学和相关的流行媒体。课程将包括基于分配的阅读和实习观察的讨论,与课堂主题(例如,通信,网络,冥想),职业服务研讨会和校友面板相关的经验活动。实习可能在任何领域,必须经过SLC职业服务批准。这堂课每周晚上举行一次,可能包括定期会议会议和/或SLC职业服务咨询。 Students are expected to attend weekly class meetings in addition to regularly attending their internship placements.





在即使短暂和时间的限制的工作,建立相互尊重和移情工作的联盟可以是关键有效提供辅导。在实践中,每个人携带自己的经验,大进诊室,这可能会出现在辅导他们的订婚障碍的环境。通过考虑到可能会影响一个人的参与因素 - 比如他们的关系经验;精神信仰;有医疗经验;家庭和个人价值;创伤历史;与种族,社会经济和/或性别歧视等经验 - 学生将考虑建立一个相互构建的工作联盟通过每一个客户最好能从事遗传咨询的内容的方式。

