

英航,塔夫茨大学。准博士,哥伦比亚大学。小说家,短篇小说作家,旅行文学作家。小说的作者爵士的宫殿,十字路口,候诊室,夜空,软禁,上帝的旨意,复仇;短篇小说集合消失的动物和其他故事,梦想的巴士,救生员的故事;旅行回忆录无话可说:一个独自旅行的女人的回忆录墙到墙:从北京到柏林的铁路;一本女性旅行文学选集,处女航行天使与外星人:西游记;最近发表于《大西洋月刊》,叙述,犁头.曾获罗马文学奖、古根海姆基金会、国家艺术基金会和创意艺术家公共服务奖。SLC - 1994年

本科课程2021 - 2022




有些备忘录人们在他们有一个伟大的行为职业或者是一个大国的总统时写的。我们读到了他们的历史/文化价值。我们的兴趣是他们生活的故事。但另一种备忘录试图讲述另一种真理。这些更加个人故事,成瘾,压迫和克服赔率。这些故事可能会带来酗酒的旅程或滥用的故事,进入可怕的家庭和可怕的灵魂。它们也可以很有趣,令人振奋和兑换。在这个研讨会中,我们试图揭开这种真理;但这不是自传的课程;相反,这是讲故事的课程。 What differentiates these stories from other tales of grief and woe is that they are, quite simply, well-told. We will read memoirs by authors such as Michael Ondaatje, Kathryn Harrison, Garred Conley, Cathy Hong Park, David Sedaris, Nick Flynn, James McBride, and Jeanette Taylor, as well as memoirs by recent Sarah Lawrence graduates such as T Kira Madden and Anna Qu. And we will attempt to write one of our own. The emphasis will be on how to tell our stories. Exercises and prompts will be designed to help jumpstart you.






小说家John Berger曾经说过,作家从三个来源绘制他们的材料:经验,见证和想象力。这种混合流派研讨会,其重点将放在短篇小说,散文个人和回忆录的目的,是为新兴的作家寻找和开发自己的主题。将被要求学生探讨其生命的原材料,并添加了证人的混合(我们所看到或被告知的)以及我们发明的内容。我们从基于Joe Brailard的书开始的任务开始,我记得.学生们自己的童年和青春期记忆。我们会将这些列表转化为轶事和场景,并最终进入故事。学生们还将开始一个名为“我想象的”的清单,并且在这项任务中,我们将探索他们听到的家庭Lore和故事,或者甚至从报纸账户中绘制。We will look at writers who have delved into their own subject matter in both fiction and nonfiction—such as James Baldwin, Sandra Cisneros, Tim O’Brien, Virginia Woolf, Paul Auster, and Lorrie Moore—and discuss the various issues posed in each form. Students will be given assignments intended to evoke subject matter in both genres; for example, a piece of family lore might become a short essay or a work of fiction. Students will write short stories, essays, and memoir and learn to move freely from one genre to the next, attempting to reimagine their material in different forms. The emphasis will be on voice and narrative, both of which are essential for good fiction and nonfiction. We will also spend a good deal of time learning what it means to write a scene. This is a class for any student who wants to explore the material that becomes the subject matter of stories.


