Joshua Muldavin

BS,MA,博士,加州大学 - 伯克利。中国,日本和亚洲政策,农村发展,国际援助,农业和食品,气候变化,环境,政治经济和政治生态学的特殊利益。目前的研究项目分析了国际环境政策和对喜马拉雅地区的地方资源利用和脆弱性的影响;气候变化政策;社会主义转型在中国的环境和社会影响;可持续农业和食品系统;全球资源和发展通过资本流向非洲,拉丁美洲和南亚/东南亚的冲突;自1978年以来援助中国。二十八年的实地研究,主要是中国农村。国家科学基金会,社会科学研究委员会,福特基金会,麦克尔基金会和富布赖特的补助金。普林斯顿,耶鲁,牛津,约翰霍普金斯,美国国会委员会,欧洲议会的邀请讲师。 Executive director of the Action 2030 Institute. Contributor to政治地理手册,经济地理,地缘政治,环境与规划,地理论坛,美国地理学家协会,国际先驱论坛报协会,BBC世界新闻和其他媒体网点。SLC,2002-





哪里的食物,我们吃从何而来?为什么有些人有足够的食物和别人不一样?是否有太多的人,为世界进?谁控制了世界粮食?将全球食品价格继续其最近的迅速崛起?如果是的话,会有什么后果?什么是我们的粮食生产系统的环境影响?如何回答这些问题的地方或问这个问题的人有什么不同?怎么有问题随时间而变化?本课程将探讨以下基本问题:发展与环境之间的关系,特别是在农业和食品生产和消费的重点。 The questions above often hinge on the contentious debate concerning population, natural resources, and the environment. Thus, we will begin by critically assessing the fundamental ideological positions and philosophical paradigms of “modernization,” as well as the critical counterpoints that lie at the heart of this debate. Within this context of competing sets of philosophical assumptions concerning the population-resource debate, we will investigate the concept of “poverty” and the making of the “Third World”; access to food, hunger, grain production and food aid, agricultural productivity (the Green and Gene revolutions), biofuels, the role of transnational corporations (TNCs), the international division of labor, migration, globalization and global commodity chains, and the different strategies adopted by nation states to “develop” natural resources and agricultural production. Through a historical investigation of environmental change and the biogeography of plant domestication and dispersal, we will look at the creation of indigenous, subsistence, peasant, plantation, collective, and commercial forms of agriculture. We will analyze the physical environment and ecology that help shape, but rarely determine, the organization of resource use and agriculture. Rather, through the dialectical rise of various political-economic systems—such as feudalism, slavery, mercantilism, colonialism, capitalism, and socialism—we will study how humans have transformed the world’s environments. We will follow with studies of specific issues: technological change in food production; commercialization and industrialization of agriculture and the decline of the family farm; food and public health, culture, and family; land grabbing and food security; the role of markets and transnational corporations in transforming the environment; and the global environmental changes stemming from modern agriculture, dams, deforestation, grassland destruction, desertification, biodiversity loss, and the interrelationship with climate change. Case studies of particular regions and issues will be drawn from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the United States. The final part of the course examines the restructuring of the global economy and its relation to emergent international laws and institutions regulating trade, the environment, agriculture, resource extraction treaties, the changing role of the state, and competing conceptualizations of territoriality and control. We will end with discussions of emergent local, regional, and transnational coalitions for food self-reliance and food sovereignty, alternative and community supported agriculture, community-based resource management systems, sustainable development, and grassroots movements for social and environmental justice. Films, multimedia materials, and distinguished guest lectures will be interspersed throughout the course. One farm/factory field trip is possible in each semester if funding permits. The lecture participants may also take a leading role in a campus-wide event on “food and hunger,” tentatively planned for the spring. Please mark your calendars when the dates are announced, as attendance for all of the above is required. Attendance and participation are also required at special guest lectures and film viewings in the Social Science Colloquium Series, which are held approximately once per month. The Web Board is an important part of the course. Regular postings of short essays will be made there, as well as followup commentaries with your colleagues. There will be in-class essays, a midterm quiz, and a final exam each semester. Group conferences will focus on in-depth analysis of certain course topics and will include debates and small-group discussions. You will prepare a poster project each semester on a topic of your choice that is related to the course and which will be presented at the end of each semester in group conference, as well as a potential public session.




在这次研讨会中,我们将首先审查竞争范式和理解“发展”和“第三世界”的方法。我们将回答以下问题:500年前的世界是什么样子的?这部分课程的目的是熟悉我们的历史起源和历史起源和演变,其中“第三世界”是一个内在组成部分。因此,我们将研究从封建主义到资本主义的转变,商业和金融资本的兴起,以及欧洲列强对世界的殖民统治。我们将分析殖民地“发展”的案例研究以了解本期不断发展的含义。这些案例研究将帮助我们评估殖民主义的各种遗留问题,这些问题在随后断断续续和不均匀的非殖民化进程中出现的新国家中显而易见。该课程的下一部分将研究联合国,其一些相关机构在第二次世界大战后的全球政治经济上发挥了作用,其中一个标志着持续和强化社会经济不平等,以及频繁的政治爆发全球暴力。通过审查自1945年以来出现和发展的发展机构,我们将试图解开不同时代的发展悖论。我们将通过专题探索通过人口,资源利用,贫困,食物,环境,农业生产力,城市化,工业化和不同发展策略的专题探索来解构发展措施。 We will then examine globalization and its relation to emergent international institutions and their policies; for example, the IMF, World Bank, AIIB, and WTO. We will then turn to contemporary development debates and controversies that increasingly find space in the headlines: widespread land grabbing by sovereign wealth funds, China, and hedge funds; the “global food crisis”; and the perils of climate change, as well as the potential of ”a new green deal.” Throughout the course, our investigations of international institutions, transnational corporations, the role of the state, and civil society will provide the backdrop for the final focus of the class: the emergence of regional coalitions for self-reliance, environmental and social justice, and sustainable development. Our analysis of development in practice will draw upon case studies from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and North America. Conference work will be closely integrated with the themes of the course, with a two-stage, substantive research project. Project presentations will incorporate a range of formats, from traditional papers to multimedia visual productions. Where possible and feasible, you will be encouraged to do primary research over fall study days. Some experience in the social sciences is desired but not required.










在这个为期一年的研讨会上,我们将首先审查相互竞争的理解“发展”和“第三世界”的范式和方法。我们将回答以下问题:500年前的世界是什么样子的?这部分课程的目的是让我们了解和分析世界政治经济的历史起源和演变,其中第三世界是一个内在的组成部分。因此,我们将研究从封建主义到资本主义的转变,商业和金融资本的兴起,以及欧洲列强对世界的殖民统治。我们将分析殖民地“发展”的案例研究,以理解这个术语的演变意义。这些案例研究将帮助我们评估殖民主义的各种遗留问题,这些问题在随后断断续续和不均匀的非殖民化进程中出现的新国家中显而易见。本课程的下一部分将着眼于联合国及其一些相关机构在二战后的全球政治经济中所发挥的作用,其特征是持续和加剧的社会经济不平等,以及全球各地频繁爆发的政治暴力。通过审查自1945年以来出现和发展的发展机构,我们将试图解开不同时代的发展悖论。我们将通过对人口、资源利用、贫困、食物获取、环境、农业生产率和第三世界国家采取的不同发展战略的专题探索,解构发展的衡量标准。然后我们将研究全球化; and its relation to emergent international institutions, transnational corporations, the role of the state, and civil society will provide the backdrop for the final focus of the class—the emergence of regional coalitions for self-reliance, environmental and social justice, and sustainable development. Our analysis of development in practice will draw upon case studies primarily from Africa but also from Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the United States. Conference work will be closely integrated with the themes of the course, with a two-stage substantive research project in the fall semester to be completed in the spring. Project presentations will incorporate a range of formats, from traditional papers to multimedia visual productions. Where possible and feasible, students will be encouraged to do primary research during fall study days and winter and spring breaks.




尽管在中国的崛起为超级大国和它的两个挑战,并与美国,我们怎么真正了解这个国家需要的合作伙伴关系广泛每日申报?在本次研讨会中,我们将通过政治,经济一体化和全球化进程探索中国在世界上不断变化的地方。我们将始终如一地专注于重新定义的争论,学术界和大众传媒我们的努力,使新的见解和分析。我们将与当代中国的概述开始,从一个时代到下一个讨论中国现代历史的独特方面的变化和连续性。我们将探讨中国革命和随后的社会主义时期,以本次研讨会的重点地:1978年后的改革和转变到目前的一天。在农业变化和农村发展的问题根深蒂固,我们也将研究在城市化和工业化的形式和中国的崛起为的道路上成为世界上最大的经济体全球超级大国巨变。为大家解读当代中国的地理环境,我们将分析这些过程对环境,政治,经济和社会文化方面的复杂交织。利用各种理论观点,我们将分析一系列当代全球辩论:是否有环境和快速发展之间的根本冲突?什么是农民在现代世界中的作用?什么是不同形式的国家权力和实践的影响? How does globalization shape China’s regional transformation? And, on the other hand, how does China’s global integration impact development in every other country and region of the world? Modern China provides immense opportunities for exploring key theoretical and substantive questions of our time. A product first and foremost of its own complex history, other nation states and international actors and institutions—such as the World Bank, transnational corporations, and civil society—have also heavily influenced China. The “China model” of rapid growth is widely debated in terms of its efficacy as a development pathway, and yet it defies simple understandings and labels. Termed everything from neoliberalism to market socialism to authoritarian Keynesian capitalism, it is a model full of paradoxes and contradictions. Not least of these is its impact on global climate change. Other challenges include changing gender relations, rapid urbanization, and massive internal migration. In China today, contentious debates continue on land reform, the pros and cons of global market integration, the role of popular culture and the arts in society, how to define ethical behavior, the roots of China’s social movements—from Tian’anmen to current widespread social unrest and discontent amongst workers, peasants, students, and intellectuals—and the meaning and potential resolution of minority conflicts in China’s hinterlands. Land and resource grabs in China and abroad are central to China’s rapid growth and its role as an industrial platform for the world. But resulting social inequality and environmental degradation challenge the legitimacy of China’s leadership like never before. As China borders many of the most volatile places in the contemporary world and increasingly projects its power to the far corners of the planet, we will conclude our seminar with a discussion of security issues, geopolitics, and potential scenarios for China’s future. Throughout the seminar, there will be comparisons with other areas of the world within the context of the broader theoretical and thematic questions mentioned above. Weekly selected readings, films, mass media, and books will be used to inform debate and discussion. A structured conference project will integrate closely with one of the diverse topics of the seminar.
