

巴基斯坦金纳德学院文学士。巴基斯坦旁遮普省大学硕士。威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校硕士、博士。黎巴嫩贝鲁特美国大学特殊学生。历史社会学的学术专门化,重点研究大众传媒、性别和政治经济学。的作者身体政治:性别/国家/国家, 2004;写作,情况全球化视图从埃及, 2000;为南亚和中东的书籍和期刊撰稿。访问教师:拉合尔经济学院-发展研究所、夏威夷大学马诺亚分校和开罗美国大学。编委会成员和书评编辑,辩证人类学。过去的成员,编辑咨询委员会和贡献者印度社会学。过去的议员,编辑委员会,中东研究和信息项目。过去的社会科学研究理事会中东和北非计划以及人口委员会西亚和北非办事处(开罗)的顾问。来自富布莱奇 - 山坡基金会,社会科学研究委员会,美国巴基斯坦研究所研究所和美国海外研究中心委员会的受访者。SLC,1987-





我们许多人想当然地认为公共生活和私人生活是两分法。前者通常被理解为抽象的、遥远的、权力的关键场所;后者是温暖、亲密和情感寄托的场所。在本次研讨会中,我们将批判性地审视公共领域和私人领域之间理想化的区别背后的假设。通过这样的修改,我们希望能更好地理解家庭的公共和私人层面,它的复杂性,以及它的历史可变性。特别是,我们的分析将使我们能够批判性地审视那些假定核心的、异性恋的家庭作为一种普遍和“自然”的制度是不可避免的观念。通过历史、跨文化材料和口述历史,我们将看到个人和社会生殖发生的无数方式;不同的家庭形式与不同的社会组织和社会运动系统之间的关系;以及阶级、性别、种族关系和不同家庭环境下的性关系的表达。自始至终,我们将注意私人领域(通常在家族术语中被错误地和超越历史的理解)和公共机构和实践之间的界限的转移。 The “private” domain of the family will be problematized as a site for the construction of identity and caring and, simultaneously, as a location that engenders compulsion and violence. In this latter context, we will examine how relations of domination and subordination are produced through the institution of the “family” and how resistance is generated to such dominant relations and constructions. The course will conclude with an examination of family forms in contemporary societies (single-parent, same-sex, fictive-kin based) and of public struggles over these various forms.




乌托邦在人类历史上已经存在了几个世纪。在对所构成世界的批判指导下,乌托邦已经成为想象和构建不同的社会空间秩序的工具。在这个研讨会中,我们将探讨在物理空间中乌托邦的物质化及其背后的逻辑。我们不只是简单地处理乌托邦思想背后的抽象概念,而是将考察社会空间形态的多样性——既作为对当前存在状态的批判,也作为一种根植于根本不同的未来概念的实践。这门课程的论点是,乌托邦不是纯粹的想象,而是深刻的历史和受现有社会条件的影响。以分析乌托邦作为物化实践的目标,我们将着眼于不同类型的乌托邦社区,从千禧年运动,到社会主义、无政府主义和反文化实验,再到占领华尔街运动。我们还将研究建筑和美学乌托邦,就像它们更明确的基于运动的同行一样,试图形象化和重新思考空间,这仍然是一个必要的乌托邦关注点。我们对这些不同的乌托邦设计的探索,是为了让我们思考这些实践的动力,而不是主要考虑它们随时间推移的可持续性。我们将试图理解这些不同的实验遗留给我们的关于行动主义、社会转型和更公正世界的潜力的痕迹。本研讨会的参加者将被鼓励通过询问我们如何能够单独和集体地创造、体验或执行乌托邦而不将其归为一个整体的愿景来解决我们与乌托邦的生活关系。 Student projects might take the form of a close examination of specific utopian practices or be based on creative projects and/or fictional utopias frequently encountered in science-fiction novels and film. Particular activist movements—such as Black Lives Matter, LGNTQ+ activism, and feminist movements—can also be seen as ways of visualizing futures that depart from the historical present, out of which such movements emerge and in which they are embedded. As such, these, too, have a vision of the future that is at odds with the present and will provide fertile ground for conference work. Finally, while the course will not specifically address the vexed relationship between utopias and dystopia, an examination of the latter remains yet another possible line of inquiry for student projects.




这是一门关于运动实践的课程,实践在这里有多种含义。作为一种身体活动,体育实践是通过身体来感受和体验的,这是其主要但不是唯一的“习惯”——法国社会学家皮埃尔·布迪厄在阐述其“文化资本”概念时普及的术语。在本课程中,我们将以运动身体和布迪厄的惯习(品味、习惯、技能、性情)概念为出发点,在时间和空间上考察运动及其在超越个体(身体)的世界中所起的作用。我们将沿着多个轴来研究运动:作为一种集体和/或个性化的活动;作为休闲和娱乐的源泉;作为有利可图的就业来源;作为身份认同和国家建设项目的场所;作为一个空间,它产生了跨国流动和相互联系,以及断裂。在其商品化的当代形式下,体育往往是由大笔金钱和/或国家控制的,是Debord所说的“奇观社会”的组成部分,是生产、消费和娱乐的场所。通过身体体验到的运动和作为一套纪律实践之间的复杂关系将允许我们通过个人、集体和制度化权力的关系来思考,并将它们与身体政治问题联系起来。 Taking the internal dynamics and meaning of sports seriously, we will engage sports as a contradictory field—as both a productive space and a space of consumption. Our readings will include scholarly works, sports journalism, films, documentaries, and other primary sources. Possible conference topics include sports and politics; analysis of particular sports events (e.g., the Olympics, women’s basketball, the World Cup); (auto)biographies and/or oral histories of athletes; sports and protest; “fitness,” health, and the body; gender, race, sexuality, (dis)ability, and sports; nationalism(s), national “styles,” and sports; and the phenomenology of sports.






空间概念将为这门关于城市和城市化的课程提供主题基础,并作为出发点。空间可以通过与(人体)身体、社会关系和社会结构以及物理环境的关系来观察。在本次研讨会中,我们将探讨城市环境中空间配置的物质(社会、政治和经济)和隐喻(象征和表征)维度。在我们的分析中,我们将处理城市空间和城市生活的历史和变化的内涵。超越城市化及其转型的历史层面,我们将把注意力转向空间关系本身概念的(重新)理论化。在这里,重点将放在具象的实践和过程,社会“空间”是如何被创造、性别化和修正的。“空间”将不再仅仅被视为物理空间,还将被视为影响我们对物理和社会环境的使用和关系的意义的构建。虽然在我们的分析中将继续涉及和援引经济因素,但我们将超越经济范畴,进入经济之外的类别和结构,如权力、文化和性的概念。随着时间的推移,重点也将从宏观分析转向日常生活的考察。通过对这些问题的探索,我们将试图衡量社会空间的性别化、私人化和性别化的实践和过程,以及在“内部”和“外部”领域、公共领域和私人领域之间建立的区别。 Particular attention will be paid to attempts by scholars and activists to open up space both theoretically and concretely. The theoretical/conceptual questions raised lend themselves to an analysis of any city; so while many of our readings will be New York City and US-based, the course will have relevance to cities globally. Students should feel free to extend the analysis to other places that are of interest to them. This applies particularly to conference work.




看到不是自然过程或个人活动;相反,它嵌入了社会力量,并在历史上和空间构建的含义中充满了含糊。本次研讨会旨在审讯我们如何从这种有利地点沟通和造成意义。虽然本课程将文化社会学划分为其出发的观点,但它就会理解社会学,因为英国社会学家叫做“寄宿性”纪律经常破坏和违反纪律边界和界限。该课程将在那静脉中追随。我们的初步读数将包括Raymond Williams,Edward表示,Aime Cesaire和John Berger,将为所接下来设置概念框架。我们将借鉴文学;电影和音乐;(自传;信件,日记,口腔历史; and archival and legal texts emanating from different parts of the globe, with an emphasis on cultural productions about and from the Global South and/or diasporic communities. Our analyses will be framed in terms of a number of themes and questions, relating those to the contexts within which the works were produced. We will start with an overview of historical and methodological questions; examine colonial texts and their critique, the production of nationalism(s) and identities, censorship, postcoloniality, and the violence of “home”; and conclude with transformative visions. It is hoped that this perusal of a diversity of genres and voices will enable us to rethink the relations between objectivity and subjectivity, fiction, biography and fact, political and social censorships to which their producers subscribe or against which they struggle, as well as struggles over voice and/in the remaking of space. Our goal is to problematize naturalistic “ways of seeing” (a term borrowed from John Berger) and thus show how seeing (through sonic, cinematic, and literary constructions) is both an ideologically regimented activity and a creative form of emancipatory action. Rather than seeing our readings as the expression of individual genius, we will engage with them as a way to become astute readers of the material poetics of social life.




在马来西亚设立纺织厂与美国的生活有何联系?在17世纪的法国上流社会家庭中,母亲和孩子的关系是怎样的?我们当代对于休闲和奢侈的观念与其他时代和地方的人们对于财富和贫穷的观念有什么相似之处呢?本地与全球、个人与社会、自我与“他人”之间的关系是什么?自我是如何构建的?我们如何将传记与历史、虚构与事实、客观与主观、社会与个人联系起来?这是一些社会学和社会学家试图思考的问题。在这个研讨会上,我们将探讨社会学家如何分析并同时创造现实,我们问什么问题,我们用什么方法来探索我们的问题并得出我们的发现和结论。通过阅读比较和历史资料,我们将重新审视那些我们认为理所当然的事情;例如,家庭、贫困、身份、旅游、进步、科学、主体性。 The objective of the seminar is to enable students to critically read sociological texts and also to become practitioners in “doing” sociology—something we are always already involved in, albeit often unself-consciously. This last endeavor is designed both to train students in how to undertake research and intended as a key tool in interrogating the relationship between the researcher and the researched, the field studied, and the (sociological) text. In conference, students will undertake research on topics of interest to them and learn the craft of research by working on topics of direct interest to them. In the seminar, students will also engage in a few shorter collaborative projects with their peers.




民族主义可以被理解为同时涉及记忆,历史和身份的建设的项目。在本次研讨会中,我们将确定民族主义作为世界历史现象的多重和转变维度。我们焦点的核心将是不同国家项目中性别的中心地位和特殊建设。将在殖民地和当代轨迹中支付对民族主义的关注。要解决的问题包括以下内容:民族主义与身份之间的关系是什么?调用哪些符号/语言来产生自我和集体身份感?特别历史上构成的民族主义涉及的各种夹杂物,排除和沉默是什么?民族主义必然是一个积极的力量吗?如果没有,在什么情况下,以什么方式,以及谁造成问题?民族主义对少数民族和社会/政治边缘化群体的关系是什么? How is pluralism and difference constructed and treated? How do the same positions (e.g., issues of cultural authenticity and identity) take on a different meaning at diverse historical moments? How does the insider/outsider relationship alter in different periods and conceptualizations? Women have been interpellated and have participated within nationalist movements in a variety of ways. The dynamics and contradictions of such involvement will be analyzed closely. We will strive to explore the implications of these processes for women's sense of self, citizenship, and belonging at specific periods and over time. In the spring semester, we will turn our attention more specifically to performances of nationalism through institutional and popular cultural arrangements. Under the former category, we will look at issues of migration, immigration, and exile; public policy and international relations; war and conflict. In the arena of popular culture, we will examine the production of nationalism(s) through the mass media, sports, film, museums and exhibitions, and tourism. Conference work may include an examination of a specific nationalist movement, theoretical issues pertaining to nationalism(s), memory, identity, performances of nationalism(s) in popular culture and the mass media, and the interplay between institutional and everyday constructions of nationalism in specific settings.




19世纪和20世纪世界各地的社会运动和社会变革的思想,在很大程度上是由一位社会思想家的思想提供的,他就是卡尔·马克思。即使在今天,人文和社会科学(包括媒体和文化研究)的思想家们,以及社会和政治活动家们,仍在继续与马克思的幽灵打交道。随着苏联的解体和“冷战”的结束,许多批评者会认为马克思的思想现在已经无关紧要了,而其他人则持相反的观点:我们目前所处的全球化阶段实际上是马克思所预见的。在这次研讨会上,我们将通过对马克思及其他人著作的深入研究,考察马克思思想对社会变革的思考和实践的影响。马克思著作的主题包括:他对人性、社会结构、个体能动和主体性、异化、宗教和意识形态、客观化和商品化、社会阶级和权力关系、包括全球化在内的政治经济学的观点。在我们仔细审视马克思的著作之后,在第二学期,我们将学习后来的思想家,他们的著作受到了马克思的启发,他们将马克思的思想进一步发扬,并/或根据马克思写作的历史时期以来的发展提出了新的问题。在后者中,我们将包括葛兰西、巴特和威廉姆斯等思想家,他们讨论了文化和霸权的问题;像阿尔都塞这样的结构主义者,他们研究的是国家和意识形态;对阶级、性别和性的关系感兴趣的社会主义女权主义者;对空间、阶级和权力关系感兴趣的地理学家,如大卫·哈维和多伦·梅西; critical race theorists; and current analysts of globalization. For conference, students could work on specific social thinkers in the Marxist tradition and/or examine political and social movements inspired by his analysis.








本研讨会提供现代社会大众说服现象的跨学科分析。宣传是如何“起作用”的?我们应该如何描述塑造和传播它的个人和机构?宣传者通常使用哪些特定的语言和视觉符号来影响大众?“民主”和“威权”社会是如何寻求达成共识的?个人和社会团体又是如何在真相和宣传之间划清界限的呢?尽管为政治目的而操纵信息在历史上一直是人类社会的固有特征,但本课程侧重于从第一次世界大战开始的所谓“轴向宣传时代”,在这一时期,欧洲和美国出现了组织严密、规模庞大、由政府资助的宣传活动。这门课程将特别强调两次世界大战之间的那段时期,当时正值欧洲极权主义政权开始出现之际,知识分子和解释专家就“舆论”和大众社会的本质展开了激烈的辩论。本课程将利用各种案例研究来探讨特定宣传的象征性内容以及产生这种宣传的制度环境,并关注那些既试图推翻社会结构又试图维持社会结构的宣传。最后,本课程将考虑当代社会宣传的普遍性,重点关注在政治竞选、广告和公共关系领域工作的形象制作专业人员的作用。 Specific case studies may include: The US Committee on Public Information during World War I, the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda, Stalinism and the Soviet Union, state control of culture under theDeutsche Demoktratische Republik(东德)、麦卡锡主义和好莱坞黑名单、ISIL、布莱巴特新闻和特朗普主义。




本课程以长远的眼光看待旅行,将旅行视为一个“接触地带”,一个相互矛盾的学习、交流和开发场所。本课程将讨论以下问题:在历史上和现代世界中旅行的原因是什么?是什么因素吸引人们独自旅行,还是作为集体成员旅行?哪些景点吸引了旅行者和/或游客?(参观过的)地点和参观者的视线之间有什么关系?特定地点的意义是如何产生的?根据旅行者所处的位置,这些含义有何不同?特定网站如何以及为什么鼓励访问者?游客和当地居民之间是什么关系?一个人可以在自己的家里(地点)旅行吗? What is the relationship between travel and tourism, pleasure and power in/through travel? How are race, gender, and class articulated in and through travel? These and other questions will be addressed through a careful scrutiny of commercial (visual and written) writings on travel and tourism; diaries, journals, and memoirs by travelers; and films and scholarly writings on travel and tourism. Our emphasis will be on an examination of travel and tourism in a historical context. In particular, we will focus on the commodification of travel as an acquisition of social (and economic) currency and as a source/site of power. We will study different forms of travel that have recently emerged, such as environmental tourism, heritage (historical) tourism, sex tourism, as well as cyber travel. Throughout, the relation between material and physical bodies will remain a central focus of the course. Conference possibilities include analyses of your own travel experiences, examination of travel writings pertaining to specific places, or theoretical perspectives on travel and/or tourism. Fieldwork locally is yet another possibility for conference work.




本课程旨在让学员更好地理解围绕着我们对“穆斯林”世界中女性生活的理解的复杂性、细微差别、模糊和矛盾。我们的研究将不会基于对所审视的地理空间中女性生活的全面历史核算。相反,它将由中心指导问题提供信息,包括以下问题:在我们对穆斯林世界妇女的看法中有哪些不同的概念框架?不同的“观察方式”中嵌入了什么政治和历史?在这些被审视的地方,哪些话语和物质力量影响着女性的生活?它们如何限制女性,同时又为女性反抗压迫提供了机会?我们将分析围绕穆斯林世界中妇女从属地位起源的争论;考虑后宫和面纱,两者都是具象的装置和具体化的空间;检视女性生活的多重模式(从历史和社会角度);并考察它们存在的变化和动态构成。为了做到这一点,本课程将考虑殖民主义、现代性和后殖民主义与女性开创自己历史的能力之间的关系。 For our analysis, we will draw upon ethnographic and visual materials, colonial and literary writings, sociological texts, films (including documentaries), and (auto)biographies. For conference, possible topics include an analysis of women’s movements in a particular place or in multiple spaces, the roles of the state and the law and their impact on women, representation of women and Islam in the media and in colonial writing; and women’s writing and voice(s). The course will be of interest to students who wish to pursue studies of gender and sexuality, colonialism and postcoloniality, media and Islamic studies, law and society, studies of the global south and diaspora studies, as well as writing, film, and media studies.





民族主义可以被理解为同时涉及记忆,历史和身份的建设的项目。在本次研讨会中,我们将确定民族主义作为世界历史现象的多重和转变维度。我们焦点的核心将是不同国家项目中性别的中心地位和特殊建设。将在殖民地和当代轨迹中支付对民族主义的关注。要解决的问题包括以下内容:民族主义与身份之间的关系是什么?调用哪些符号/语言来产生自我和集体身份感?特别是历史上构成的民族主义的各种夹杂因素,排除和沉默是什么意思?民族主义必然是一个积极的力量吗?如果没有,在什么情况下,在什么方式,它为谁造成问题?民族主义对少数民族和社会/政治边缘化群体的关系是什么? How is pluralism and difference constructed and treated? How do the same positions e.g. issues of cultural authenticity and identity, take on a different meaning at diverse historical moments? How does the insider/outsider relationship alter in different periods and conceptualizations? Women have been interpellated and have participated within nationalist movements in a variety of ways. The dynamics and contradictions of such involvement will be analyzed closely. We will strive to explore the implications of these processes for women's sense of self, citizenship and belonging at specific periods and over time. In the spring semester, we will turn our attention more specifically to performances of nationalism through institutional and popular cultural arrangements. Under the former category, we will look at issues of migration, immigration and exile; public policy and international relations; war and conflict. In the arena of popular culture, we will examine the production of nationalism(s) through the mass media, sports, film, museums and exhibitions, and tourism. Conference work can include an examination of a specific nationalist movement, theoretical issues pertaining to nationalism(s), memory, identity, performances of nationalism(s) in popular culture and the mass media, and the interplay between institutional and everyday constructions of nationalism in specific settings.
