Stew Stewart





大学本科Courses 2021-2022


Songwriting for a New Musical Theatre

开放,组件 - 年

This course suggests a unique approach to musical theatre making, forged during the making of the Tony/Obie award-winning musical,Passing Strange。该方法将歌曲而不是故事对待,因为一个节目的种子正在成长。教会学生从他们的歌曲中召唤故事,而不是将歌曲带到以前的叙述上。还强调了个人传记作为戏剧神话制作(VS发明的小说)的紧迫性,以及纳入独奏表演和视频的使用。强调通过脱神经的创作,通过对歌曲创作过程的神秘化,旨在使学生受到启发和动力,而花费的时间比听演讲更多。定期为学生提供歌曲创作提示,并邀请抽出时间从课堂上撰写。学生将在学期结束时努力建立他们写的歌曲的最后一场演出。学生将学习将歌曲创作的“魔术”转变为任何人,无论有或没有歌曲创作经验的人都可以使用的反思性交流。教授歌曲创作的基础,并介绍了各种音乐软件应用程序。


Graduate Courses 2021-2022

MFA Theatre

Songwriting for a New Musical Theatre

开放,组件 - 年

这门课程从上学期的新音乐剧院实验室的最后几个月中发展出来,其过渡到远程学习,并被设计为与远程学习一样工作。The course teaches a unique approach to musical theatre making, forged during the making of the Obie and Tony award-winning musical,Passing Strange。The method treats the song, not the story, as the seed for all that follows in a show. Students are taught to conjure stories that will emerge out of their songs rather than tacking songs onto a preexisting story. The significance of personal biography as source material vs. invented fictions is also emphasized, along with the incorporation of solo performance and the use of video. Emphasis on in-the-moment creating via a demystification of the songwriting process keeps students inspired and motivated, with more time spent creating than staring at a screen. Students are regularly given songwriting prompts and invited to take time away from the screen to compose anything from one verse to a full-blown song, along with solo-performance fragments or video. Students will work toward building, at semester’s end, a final show from all of the songs that they’ve written. Students will learn techniques that transform the “magic” of songwriting into a reflexive act of communication available to anyone, with or without songwriting experience. The fundamentals of songwriting are taught, along with an introduction to various music software apps, video editing, and DIY methods of turning bedrooms and basements into performance spaces.


Previous Courses



开放,组件 - 年

This lab is open to any artists committed to exploring a variety of music-driven, song-centric, spirit-derived approaches to music-theatre creation.音乐作为戏剧实验室邀请学生对先知,信仰治疗者和野性政客的工作进行调查,以及蓝调,福音和老式的摇滚艺术家。Commitment to risk-as-truth, with an eye toward creating pieces and performances that conjure transcendence, is a founding principle of the Lab.学生将在越来越多的团队中工作,以创建和执行短作品;例如,场景,讲道,歌曲或情况,包括套装和服装设计,编舞和视频。该实验室还将对摇滚音乐和表演音乐进行持续的“比较和对比”调查,并着重于我们必须从这些差异中有效地了解和唱歌的内容。


Songwriting for a New Musical Theatre

开放,组件 - 年

这门课程从上学期的新音乐剧院实验室的最后几个月中发展出来,其过渡到远程学习,并被设计为与远程学习一样工作。该课程教授了一种独特的音乐戏剧方法,使其在Obie和Tony-Award获胜的音乐剧制作过程中锻造Passing Strange。Stew的方法将歌曲而不是故事视为演出中所有内容的种子。Students are taught to conjure stories that will emerge out of their songs rather than tacking songs onto a preexisting story. The significance of personal biography as source material vs. invented fictions is also emphasized, along with the incorporation of solo performance and the use of video. Emphasis on in-the-moment creating via a demystification of the songwriting process keeps students inspired and motivated, with more time spent creating than staring at a screen. Students are regularly given songwriting prompts and invited to take time away from the screen to compose anything from one verse to a full-blown song, along with solo-performance fragments or video. Students will work toward building, at semester’s end, a final show from all of the songs that they’ve written. Students will learn techniques that transform the “magic” of songwriting into a reflexive act of communication, available to anyone, with or without songwriting experience. The fundamentals of songwriting are taught, along with an introduction to various music software apps, video editing, and DIY methods of turning bedrooms and basements into performance spaces.


MFA Theatre

Songwriting for A New Musical Theatre

开放,组件 - 年

这门课程从上学期的新音乐剧院实验室的最后几个月中发展出来,其过渡到远程学习,并被设计为与远程学习一样工作。The course teaches a unique approach to musical theatre-making forged during the making of the Obie- and Tony-award winning musical,Passing Strange。Stew的方法将歌曲而不是故事视为演出中所有内容的种子。教会学生想出会从歌曲中脱颖而出的故事,而不是将歌曲带入现有的故事中。还强调了个人传记作为原始材料与发明小说的重要性,以及独奏表演和视频使用的结合。强调通过对歌曲创作过程的神秘化来创建创建,这使学生受到启发和动力,而花费的时间比盯着屏幕更多。定期为学生提供歌曲创作提示,并邀请抽出时间从屏幕上撰写,从一首经文到成熟的歌曲,以及独奏的片段或视频。学生将在学期结束时努力建立他们写的所有歌曲的最后一场演出。学生将学习将歌曲创作的“魔术”转变为反思性的交流行为的技术,任何人都可以使用或没有歌曲创作经验。教授歌曲创作的基础知识,并介绍了各种音乐软件应用程序,视频编辑以及将卧室和地下室变成性能空间的DIY方法。
