Lois Uttley

MPP, the Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy at the University at Albany with a concentration in health policy, and was a National Urban Fellow in 1979-80. Director of MergerWatch, a national initiative she created in 1997, and co-founder of Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need. Serves as a member of the New York State Health Benefit Exchange’s Regional Advisory Committee for the New York City area, on the steering committee of Health Care for All New York (HCFANY), a statewide coalition influencing ACA implementation, co-chair of HCFANY’s LGBT Task Force; chair of the health reform task force of the statewide New York Alliance for Women’s Health. Past President of the Public Health Association of New York City, past chair of the American Public Health Association national Action Board and co-chair of its Joint Policy Committee. Served as Vice President of Family Planning Advocates of NYS and Director of Public Affairs for the New York State Health Department. Received numerous awards, including the Gloria Award from the Ms. Foundation for Women, the Felicia Stewart Award from the American Public Health Association “in recognition of leadership, commitment and vision in advocacy for reproductive health,” and was an award-winning journalist covering state government in Albany, NY.

Previous Courses

Health Advocacy

Models of Advocacy: Theory and Practice II


This course will focus on how health advocates can effect policy change through development of an advocacy campaign. Students will define a health policy or system problem, formulate a proposed solution, identify needed data and narratives to demonstrate the need for your proposed solution, and map the other stakeholders (allies and opponents) who must be engaged. Students will learn how to select the appropriate advocacy strategies to bring about the desired changes in health policy and/or systems and the range of tools and skills that they can employ to pursue their chosen advocacy strategy. Students will gain an understanding of the range of factors to be considered in choosing the decision makers who should be the target(s) of the campaign, such as local, state, or federal health officials or executives of hospitals.
