Kyes Stevens Ma'99,MFA'00,阿拉巴马监狱艺术+教育项目的创始人,提供毕业生

Kyes Stevens Ma'99,通过教育刑事司法改革的领导者,将在Sarah Lawrence学院提供主题演讲毕业生开始仪式5月17日星期四。



“我们非常幸运能够在2月份作为我们的民主和教育活动系列的一部分,Kyes Stevens返回莎拉劳伦斯,”萨拉劳伦斯总统克里斯·柯林斯朱迪德说。“Kyes领先的工作是民主的基础,因为它有助于通过教育创造访问和平等机会。”

Stevens earned her MA in Women’s History and her MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College and was awarded a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Department of Justice to teach poetry at the Talladega Federal Prison in 2001. She has completed eight residencies at the Lillian E. Smith Center for Creative Arts in Clayton, GA, and was a co-recipient of the first Lillian E. Smith Writer in Service Award. She received the Auburn University Young Alumni Achievement Award in 2012 and an Auburn University Women of Distinction Award in 2010. She was the 2014 Alabama State Council on the Arts Literary Arts Fellowship recipient and, in 2016, was recognized as an Woman Who Shapes the State. She was also selected as a 2016 Southerner of the Year by南方生活


Sarah Lawrence成立于1926年,是一个着名的专家组艺术学院,始终是该国领先的自由艺术学院。莎拉劳伦斯以其开拓的教育方式,丰富的智力和公民参与的历史,充满活力,成功的校友。靠近纽约市无与伦比的产品,历史悠久的校园是一个智能奇怪和多样化的社区的所在地。