03/03/2020: An Update to the Sarah Lawrence Community Regarding the Coronavirus

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As the global spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues, Sarah Lawrence College is actively monitoring disease-spread in the U.S., in the New York region in particular, and at overseas sites where students attend exchange or study abroad programs. This morning, we were informed that a second case in New York State has been identified as威彻斯特县居民,首先在布朗克斯维尔的劳伦斯医院诊断出,目前在纽约市医院接受护理。我们正在不断监视情况,随着情况的发展,将通过咨询和行动保持校园的最新状态。

Please note: at this time (March 3, 2020) we have no diagnosed cases of COVID-19 on the Sarah Lawrence campus or at its global studies sites.


With that in mind, due to recently elevated travel warnings from the U.S. State Department and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, one international program enrolling a small number of Sarah Lawrence students has advised its participants to return home and we are providing guidance to these students accordingly. In connection with this development and in keeping with current best medical practice,the College has implemented a new health and safety protocol, effective immediately, that applies to any Sarah Lawrence student, faculty, or staff who may in the future be returning from nations or regions identified by the U.S. State Department as Level 3 or Level 4—Do Not Travel. The protocol要求这些人直接返回家园,而不是回到布朗克斯维尔校园,以进行14天的强制性自我隔离期. The ability to return to campus will be based on the following conditions:

  1. Remaining symptom-free for at least 14 days
  2. 萨拉·劳伦斯校园在正常工作operations and classes are in session
  3. We are in compliance with any requirements or restrictions on travel and return to campus mandated by state or federal authorities; this includes any restrictions associated with international student visas

To provide for the continuousness of academic studies, College staff and faculty will work as closely as possible with students who may become subject to the self-isolation requirement.

This protocol applies to any students, faculty, or staff who travel to Level 3 or Level 4 nations or regions during the spring break period.If you are planning to travel internationally during spring break, we recommend that you monitor the State Department’stravel advisory website每天,避免在3级或4级警告下前往任何国家或地区。同样,将要求教职员工,学生和工作人员访问一个位置,该地点在休息期间升级到第3级或第4级,将被要求在他们返回美国后在家中自我分解14天Consideration should be given as well to possible bans on re-entry or quarantine requirements that the United States might place on individuals returning from these locations.

Please remember that you can reduce the risk of infection and help keep our community healthy by:

  • Washing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Using hand sanitizer frequently
  • Coughing and sneezing into your arm (or tissue) rather than your hands (use cough etiquette)
  • Disposing of tissues immediately after use
  • Cleaning hard surfaces and frequently touched objects with disinfectants
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick
  • Staying home (out of class and work/social events/dining halls) when you are sick
  • Bookmarking theHealth & Wellness Center's coronavirus update page on MySLCto see previous and ongoing communications regarding the virus

As we move through this period of uncertainty together, the College will continue to act with the community’s best interest in mind, and will provide updates as relevant information becomes available.

About Sarah Lawrence College

莎拉·劳伦斯(Sarah Lawrence)成立于1926年,是一所享有声望的,男女同校的文科学院,在该国主要的文理学院中始终如一。莎拉·劳伦斯(Sarah Lawrence)以其开创性的教育方法,充满激情的知识和公民参与的历史以及充满活力的,成功的校友。在纽约市无与伦比的产品中,历史悠久的校园是一个智力和多元化的社区的所在地。