

Yonkers,NY。2021年6月2日 - 今天,莎拉劳伦斯学院加入了教育部主席,并在全国各地的大学Covid-19大学挑战- 倡导学生,员工和教师了解Covid-19疫苗的强大益处以及接种接种疫苗的重要性,以帮助结束Covid-19大流行。


  • 直接与其社区一起工作,以确保学生,教师和员工知道他们有资格获得疫苗
  • 有助于分享有关Covid-19疫苗的可靠信息,校园领导人鼓励社区建立计划,如果他们还没有
  • 促进莎拉劳伦斯社区的机会,在校园和当地容易接种疫苗

“Sarah Lawrence is proud to join the White House’s COVID-19 College Challenge and to play a role in support of the Biden administration’s goal for 160 million Americans vaccinated by the Fourth of July,” said Danielle Coscia, Vice President for Human Resources & Organizational Development, who will lead this initiative for the College alongside Mary Hartnett, RN, Director of Medical Services. “As a member of the Bronxville and Yonkers communities,” Coscia continued, “the College takes seriously its responsibility to support our region’s health. The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective and will help save lives and end the pandemic.”

Sarah Lawrence社区已经有了高疫苗接种率和学生,教师,以及工作人员一直非常积极主动地拍摄。学院健康与健康中心在春季学期和4月萨拉劳伦斯举行的汉语社区感兴趣的疫苗宣布,在秋季开始之前,所有将在校园和/或通勤到校园的所有学生必须在秋季开始接种疫苗学期。教师和工作人员的疫苗接种率(完全接种疫苗)的疫苗接种率超过了60% - 高于国家和国家的平均值 - 每周爬升,因为更多的社区成员完成疫苗接种系列。

Demonstrating the Sarah Lawrence community’s dedication to one another and to its collective health and safety, the College experienced a less than 1% positivity rate for the 2020-21 academic year, which concluded in May, and is planning on an in-person and fully residential 2021-22 academic year.


Sarah Lawrence成立于1926年,是一个着名的共同体文学学院,始终是该国领先的自由艺术学院。莎拉劳伦斯以其开拓教育的培训方法,丰富的智力和公民参与的历史闻名,富裕,成功的校友。历史悠久的校园靠近纽约市无与伦比的产品,是一个智慧好奇和多样化的社区的所在地。