




爪哇暗影剧院,贝都因爱诗,美洲社区生活,而是人类学家有效地研究和写作的一些文化现实。考虑到理解和描绘独家以外的担忧,活动和生命线所涉及的大量困难,这并不容易。尽管有这些挑战,但民族志研究通常被认为是形成对特定社会世界的细致和背景上丰富的最佳方式之一。为了获得许可的方法,挑战和利益的知情感,本课程中的学生将在民族志的研究和写作中尝试他们的手。在秋季学期,每个学生都会被要求承接民族教学研究项目,以调查特定的社会世界的特征,例如无家可归者庇护所,宗教节日或布鲁克林的邻居。在春天,她或他将制作一个完全实现的民族造影作品,以热闹,准确和全面的术语传达了这个世界的特征和动态的东西。沿途,借助性质的特殊或实验的人类学着作的帮助,我们将统称通过民族志项目的一些最重要的特征,例如面试别人,使用野外没有,理论的交错和data, the role of dialogue and the author’s voice in ethnographic prose, and the ethnical and political responsibilities that come with any attempt to understand and portray the lives of others.








本课程介绍了来自俄罗斯、墨西哥、伊朗、中国、日本、阿根廷、印度、尼日利亚、巴西、埃塞俄比亚、伊拉克、埃及、巴基斯坦以及欧洲和北美的现代和当代艺术的不同轨迹。这门课程通过“国际主义”的主题及其在20世纪进程中不断变化的地缘政治利害关系,将这些轨迹联系在一起。这门课程讲述了现代国际主义在国际联盟、联合国、教科文组织和不结盟运动等机构的创立;从外交国际主义转向世界银行、国际货币基金组织等机构主导的经济“唯发展主义”和“全球化”;以及由现代艺术博物馆、洛克菲勒基金会、威尼斯和São保罗双年展推动的相关文化国际主义,甚至是斯大林主义国家和中国共产党。讲座将探讨墨西哥壁画和洛克菲勒国际主义等主题;Négritude及其对非洲后殖民现代主义的影响冷战期间臭名昭著的抽象表现主义“武器化”;第二和第三世界关于社会主义现实主义的争论后殖民移民到伦敦和巴黎的到来,以及与之相关的从北非到东亚的“书法现代主义”的发展; and finally the proliferation of post-medium and new media strategies around the world toward the end of the century. Taking a chronological journey through global modern and contemporary art, the course focuses on three key decades to examine how artists navigated the shifting pressures and opportunities of internationalism throughout the 20th century. We will ask: How did modern artists think about national identity and nationalism in the colonial and postcolonial periods? What were the stakes of abstraction versus realism in different Cold War contexts? Can modernism exist in a totalitarian state? How have “First World” ideologies informed how modernist history has been written in the past? How are global modernists expanding the canon today? And on whose terms? While the course will include canonical readings on modern and contemporary art from the West, we will also read work by thinkers including Hannah Arendt and Rabindranath Tagore on nationalism; Mark Mazower and Vijay Prashad on the shifting politics of internationalism; Geeta Kapur and Ferreira Gullar on postcolonial avant-gardes; and primary documents, including UNESCO conference proceedings and artist manifestoes. The course lays a particular focus on recent work on global modernism by scholars that include Chika Okeke-Agulu, Iftikhar Dadi, Kellie Jones, Joan Kee, Ana María Reyes, and Reiko Tomii. These readings will illustrate current debates and shifts in the field, opening onto questions of art historical method and ways of looking, especially as they pertain to contested and formerly marginalized domains of art history. Writing assignments will focus on New York-area collections; the course will include a guided field trip to MoMA.




本课程将系统地回顾法语语法的最基本方面。本课程的重点是通过练习特定的语法结构和词形变化,以及习惯表达来提高口语能力。我们还将通过课堂上的短文和练习提高写作技巧,主要目的是加强学生的语法灵活性。我们每周见面两次,每次两个小时。我们将使用最近和当代的法语和法语国家的流行文化(歌曲、电影、卡通、时尚等)作为一个门户,来探索自20世纪60年代以来法语国家的潜在趋势和紧张局势。我们这学期要讨论的一些问题包括法国和比利时的殖民及其后果,以及几个撒哈拉以南非洲国家;复杂的种族和奴隶制问题是法国在加勒比地区过去的一部分;由于阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥和突尼斯的移民,伊斯兰教进入了法国;女性主义与性别的历史;以及生态和气候变化的问题。 Each week will be organized around a song, a film, and a text that echo each other around a common theme. We will memorize lyrics and write and act dialogues, as well as short essays. This course will be an excellent preparation for the spring 2022 Intermediate I course, which will focus on reading and writing more elaborate texts. In addition to conferences, a weekly conversation session with a French language assistant(e) is required. Attendance at the weekly French lunch table and French film screenings are both highly encouraged. The Intermediate French I and II courses are specially designed to help prepare students for studying in Paris with Sarah Lawrence College during their junior year.




我们吃的食物来自哪里?为什么有些人有足够的食物吃,而有些人却没有?世界上有太多的人要养活吗?谁控制着世界粮食?全球食品价格会继续像最近那样快速上涨吗?如果是这样,会有什么后果?我们的粮食生产系统对环境有什么影响?这些问题的答案会因地点或提问人的不同而有所不同吗?随着时间的推移,这些问题发生了怎样的变化?本课程将探讨以下基本问题:发展与环境之间的关系,特别侧重于农业和食物的生产与消费。 The questions above often hinge on the contentious debate concerning population, natural resources, and the environment. Thus, we will begin by critically assessing the fundamental ideological positions and philosophical paradigms of “modernization,” as well as the critical counterpoints that lie at the heart of this debate. Within this context of competing sets of philosophical assumptions concerning the population-resource debate, we will investigate the concept of “poverty” and the making of the “Third World”; access to food, hunger, grain production and food aid, agricultural productivity (the Green and Gene revolutions), biofuels, the role of transnational corporations (TNCs), the international division of labor, migration, globalization and global commodity chains, and the different strategies adopted by nation states to “develop” natural resources and agricultural production. Through a historical investigation of environmental change and the biogeography of plant domestication and dispersal, we will look at the creation of indigenous, subsistence, peasant, plantation, collective, and commercial forms of agriculture. We will analyze the physical environment and ecology that help shape, but rarely determine, the organization of resource use and agriculture. Rather, through the dialectical rise of various political-economic systems—such as feudalism, slavery, mercantilism, colonialism, capitalism, and socialism—we will study how humans have transformed the world’s environments. We will follow with studies of specific issues: technological change in food production; commercialization and industrialization of agriculture and the decline of the family farm; food and public health, culture, and family; land grabbing and food security; the role of markets and transnational corporations in transforming the environment; and the global environmental changes stemming from modern agriculture, dams, deforestation, grassland destruction, desertification, biodiversity loss, and the interrelationship with climate change. Case studies of particular regions and issues will be drawn from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the United States. The final part of the course examines the restructuring of the global economy and its relation to emergent international laws and institutions regulating trade, the environment, agriculture, resource extraction treaties, the changing role of the state, and competing conceptualizations of territoriality and control. We will end with discussions of emergent local, regional, and transnational coalitions for food self-reliance and food sovereignty, alternative and community supported agriculture, community-based resource management systems, sustainable development, and grassroots movements for social and environmental justice. Films, multimedia materials, and distinguished guest lectures will be interspersed throughout the course. One farm/factory field trip is possible in each semester if funding permits. The lecture participants may also take a leading role in a campus-wide event on “food and hunger,” tentatively planned for the spring. Please mark your calendars when the dates are announced, as attendance for all of the above is required. Attendance and participation are also required at special guest lectures and film viewings in the Social Science Colloquium Series, which are held approximately once per month. The Web Board is an important part of the course. Regular postings of short essays will be made there, as well as followup commentaries with your colleagues. There will be in-class essays, a midterm quiz, and a final exam each semester. Group conferences will focus on in-depth analysis of certain course topics and will include debates and small-group discussions. You will prepare a poster project each semester on a topic of your choice that is related to the course and which will be presented at the end of each semester in group conference, as well as a potential public session.








为什么本课程和演讲者系列/社区对话现在?新权利的兴起是我们的时间批判性重要现象,为每个人塑造政治,政策,做法和日常生活。2021年1月6日,国会大厦的起义只是一个新的右翼意识形态的集体的长期想法和行动的一个令人愤慨的表达。对种族和种族各种各样的美国现实的暴力挑战并不令人惊讶。众议院政治与缔约方内的白幂政治和想法的标准化也不是。新权利的参与者的不同性质 - 他们的意识形态,怨言和目标 - 需要深入分析他们的历史根源,以及他们的当代表现形式。广泛的平台和空间用于沟通仇恨,谎言和对感知敌人的暴力行为需要自己的反应,包括建立提供分析和替代方案的平台和空间。认真地从事新权利,试图为其崛起提供解释,是挑战我们目前的政治时刻的专制漂移的关键及其不确定的进化和未来。这样做需要我们的注意;它还需要一个跨学科方法,我们的学院固有的东西,以及地理作为学科,成为IT政治,经济,文化,社会,城市,历史或环境地理。 The goal of this new seminar, one that is accompanied by a facilitated speaker series and community conversations, is to build on work in geography and beyond and to engage a wide array of thinkers from diverse disciplines and backgrounds, institutions and organizations. In addition to teaching the course itself, my hope is that it can be a vehicle to engage our broader communities—at the College and in our region, as well as reaching out to our widely dispersed, multigenerational alumni. Pairing the course with a facilitated/moderated speaker series, livestreamed in collaboration with our Development and Alumni offices, offers the chance to bring these classroom conversations and contemporary and pressing course topics, grounded in diverse readings and student engagement, to a much wider audience and multiple communities. In this class, we will seek to understand the origins and rise of the New Right in the United States and elsewhere, as it has taken shape in the latter half of the 20th century to the present. We will seek to identify the origins of the New Right and what defines it, to explore the varied geographies of the movement and its numerous strands, and to identify the constituents of the contemporary right coalition. In addition, we will explore the actors and institutions that have played a role in the expansion of the New Right (e.g., courts, state and local governments, Tea Party, conservative think tanks, lawyers, media platforms, evangelical Christians, militias) and the issues that motivate the movement (e.g., anti-communism, immigration, environment, white supremacy/nationalism, voter suppression, neoliberal economic policies, anti-globalization, free speech). This is a reading-intensive, discussion-oriented large seminar in which we will survey a broad sweep of the recent literature on the New Right. While the class focuses most specifically on the US context, conference papers based on international/comparative case studies are welcome. Students will be required to attend all associated talk and film viewings, write weekly reading memos, engage colleagues in biweekly online essays and conversation, and write a brief final paper that links the themes of the class with their own interests, creative products, research agenda, and/or political engagement. Transdisciplinary collaborative activities across the College and community are encouraged. Film, performance, written commentary, workshops, and other forms of action can provide additional outlets for student engagement.








这门课程提供了中东从18世纪晚期到现在的政治、社会、文化和思想史的广泛介绍。在一个简短的概念概述之后,本课程利用广泛的一手和二手资料,阐明了多方面的转变和过程,这些转变和过程随着时间的推移,在这个非常多样化和充满活力的地区形成了所谓的“现代”。将特别注意下列主题:奥斯曼帝国和卡哈尔帝国内部的现代化和改革问题;不同形式的欧洲帝国主义在中东的经历;中东与世界经济的融合;第一次世界大战和奥斯曼帝国的崩溃;殖民和后殖民背景下的国家建设;宗教思想的转变;改变的家庭规范和性别角色与中东妇女运动的起源;民族主义; class politics, social movements, and revolution; Zionism and the Israel-Palestine conflict; post-World War II geopolitics and the Cold War in the Middle East; Nasserism and pan-Arabism; the role of US power in the Middle East; the origins and spread of political Islam; the political economy of oil; globalization and neoliberalism; and the impact of various new cultural forms and media on the formation of identities across the region.




本课程为民族主义现象提供了广泛的历史和理论探究 - 最持久的现代社会思想建设之一。事实上,全球组织进入一个边界领土国家的世界 - 每次封装独特的社会身份 - 是当代地产科学的一个被授予的特征,即很容易忘记大部分人类不存在国家历史,民族主义只回到1700年代。然而,尽管在历史上的不同时刻预测到历史 - 艾伯特爱因斯坦的不同时刻,但民族主义是一种“婴儿疾病”,人类最终会使民族主义仍然是美国的强大思想力量,如别处。本课程将探讨一系列关于国家的崛起和民族在世界历史基础的问题:什么是国家,是如何民族身份被种植,定义和讨论在不同的语境?为什么民族主义在它做的时候出现了?谁做了民族主义利益,以及不同的社会群体如何争取控制国家身份和意识形态?如何以及为什么民族主义成为在19世纪后期开始的反殖民政治运动的重要特征?民族主义从根本上是一种消极的力量和排他性 - 或者是否有必要在多样化和远古人口中锻造凝聚力的社会债券? The course will begin with the emergence of nations and nationalism in Western Europe but will then move on to explore its evolution and ensuing spread to all parts of the globe, exploring a number of case studies along the way. The course will conclude with a brief survey of the state of nationalist politics today, with a particular emphasis on Brexit and white nationalism in the United States.




在第二次世界大战结束和1945年联合国成立时,新国际秩序的最显著特征之一是出现了一股前所未有的全球非殖民化浪潮,这一浪潮将持续大约30年。当国际社会的许多领导人把“帝国时代”扔进历史的垃圾箱时,世界目睹了欧洲海外帝国格局的迅速相继瓦解,并随之在亚洲、非洲、中东和加勒比地区形成了无数新的民族国家。该研讨会对二战后的非殖民化全球现象进行了深入的历史探讨。本课程将采用比较和跨国的视角,通过广泛的二级和一级资料,探索英国、法国、意大利、荷兰和葡萄牙帝国领地的非殖民化过程的复杂历史过程。我们将特别关注以下问题:欧洲帝国主义为什么会终结,不同帝国之间的反殖民民族主义政治有何不同?民族主义运动和地方精英是如何谈判结束帝国统治的,他们在试图建立后殖民社会时又面临哪些挑战?象联合国这样的国际组织在建设新的非殖民化世界秩序中发挥了什么作用?冷战如何影响非殖民化?在第二次世界大战后国际法的新框架内,非殖民化是如何运作的,特别是关于后殖民国家公民和移民的法律地位?最后,非殖民化在多大程度上导致了一个真正“非殖民化”的世界秩序? Or, to what extent have older imperial discourses, ideologies, and cultural prejudices persisted into the era of postcolonial independence and self-determination? Conference work for this seminar will take the form of small-group work: Each group will undertake research relating to the experience of decolonization in a different European imperial context (British, French, Italian, Dutch, or Portuguese).








美国之外的心理学是什么样子的?心理学是如何在多种文化中运作的?在本课程中,我们将尝试回答这些问题,同时探索心理学的多个国际视角。首先,我们将从心理学作为一个领域的历史考察开始。接下来,我们将讨论支持和反对国际心理学的论点。我们的课程将探讨世界多个地区的心理学发展。我们的阅读将集中在追踪特定心理学流派的根源,如解放心理学和南非心理学,并检查印度、新西兰、前苏联和萨尔瓦多的案例研究。阅读可能包括理论家的观点,如Martin-Baro(解放心理学),Sunil Bhatia(去殖民化心理学),Frantz Fanon(后殖民理论和心理学)和Lev Vygotsky(文化历史心理学)。最后,我们将探讨国际组织和精神卫生的作用,如世界卫生组织和联合国。在会议工作中,学生将被鼓励探索超越课堂上讨论的例子的心理学的国际视角。 This course is open to students interested in psychology, mental health, international relations, politics, regional studies, and anthropology.




《Layla》是有史以来最伟大的摇滚歌曲之一,是埃里克·克莱普顿在读了一对不幸恋人Layla和Majnun的故事后写的。这个故事讲述了一位贝都因诗人在与心爱的人失去联系后发疯的故事,在阿拉伯文献中广泛流传了数百年,直到12世纪,尼扎米才将其扩展为一首长长的波斯叙述性诗歌。在这个时候,讲述引人注目的故事已经成为苏菲派作家(伊斯兰教的神秘主义者)描述他们作为穆斯林的独特视角的一种方式,这是陷阱,绝望的时刻,和精神追求的狂喜,以及对接近神圣至爱的探索。Layla和Majnun只是寓言故事中几对夫妻中的一对,这些寓言故事被理解为在道路上教导门徒的工具。与此相反的是伊本·图法亚尔的著名故事,Hayy伊本Yaqzan,阿拉伯语的神秘哲学工作也在12世纪书面编写。它描述了一个遗弃的婴儿在荒岛上成长,一只鹿先筹集,然后由他自己的设备筹集,因为他慢慢发现人类神圣关系的性质。其他古典作品以这种形式的单数叙述选择,而是为了嵌套故事,并将动物故事与关于人类的故事混合。我们将在Farid Ad-Din Attar的翻译中查看这些文学技术的例子鸟类会议《一千零一夜》。我们在这一课程中读书的所有作品都是什么样的,这是这里的讲故事的方式植根于更深层次的维度,探讨了更精致的行为和道德的人类潜力,以及更高的精神状态。




自9/11袭击世贸中心和五角大楼至今已有20年。人们对2001年那天发生的事件的看法发生了怎样的变化?袭击发生后不久,时任总统乔治·W·布什(George W.Bush)坚持认为伊斯兰教不应受到谴责,相反,他将未来的战争定义为“反恐战争”。但那些坚持所发生的一切几乎是“文明冲突”不可避免的结果的人又如何呢?奥萨马·本·拉登和基地组织是如何勾勒故事以及他们在故事中的角色的?提出了什么样的论据来为袭击和随后的美国军事干预辩护?9/11袭击事件发生后,所谓的“伊斯兰恐惧症行业”充分利用新媒体形式发展并蓬勃发展。主流媒体和另类媒体在9/11事件后穆斯林的形象塑造以及他们所面临的歧视方面发挥了什么作用?袭击发生十年后,9/11纪念馆和博物馆在纽约市开幕。该网站和其他纪念馆是如何形成对这些事件的集体记忆的,以及对2001年后出生的一代人所教授的课程?除了这些纪念馆的建筑师外,艺术家、作家和电影制作人还探讨了9/11袭击及其后果的许多宗教、政治和社会层面。这些想象的作品如何扩展了人们理解痛苦事件并从中找到意义的方式?虽然本次研讨会是作为一门宗教课程提供的,但该方法是一门跨学科的课程,它借鉴了各种学术、艺术和文学领域的阅读材料和其他材料。












研讨会的重点将是多样性、差异和世界主义问题,因为它与当代美国城市生活,如杨克斯或纽约,以及世界各地的城市社会有关。我们将从社会学的角度来审视城市社区在日常生活中是如何经历、驾驭和改变社会结构、关系和制度的,当他们与不同和多样化的人群共存时,如何处理不平等、仇恨和排斥等问题。我们将阅读书籍和文章Arlie Hochschild,期亚欧基金到了去年,尤诺亚哈拉尔族人,蒂娜Neyeri,罗伯特•普特南和其他人来说,正如我们在哪些城市探索体现特定的历史中心,而边缘化他人和社区和人们在日常生活中,如何改变,使离心那些历史和层次结构。通过参与实地研究,我们将努力了解和了解不同社区的人们如何一起工作和生活;建立和提供更广泛的社区;依靠非正式和正式的机会、资源和网络,使城市生活成为可能。




这是一个关于运动的课程作为实践,在这里使用实践。作为一个体现的活动,体育运动是在身体和通过身体上经历的,这是其主要而不是唯一的“习惯” - 法国社会学家皮埃尔·布德苏在详细阐述了“文化资本”的概念时所普及的术语。In this course, taking the sporting body and Bourdieu’s concept of habitus (taste, habits, skills, dispositions) as our point of departure, we will examine sports and its habitation of worlds that reach far beyond the individual (body) in both time and space. We will examine sports along multiple axes: as a collective and/or individuated activity; as a source of leisure and recreation; as a source of profitable employment; as a site of identity and nation-building projects; and as a space that engenders transnational mobilities and interconnections, as well as ruptures. In its commoditized contemporary form, sports is, more often than not, controlled by big money and/or the state and is part and parcel of what Debord refers to as the “society of the spectacle,” a site of production, consumption, and entertainment. The complex relationship between sports as experienced through the body and as a set of disciplinary practices will allow us to think through the relation of the individual, the collective, and institutionalized power, linking these to questions of body politics. Taking the internal dynamics and meaning of sports seriously, we will engage sports as a contradictory field—as both a productive space and a space of consumption. Our readings will include scholarly works, sports journalism, films, documentaries, and other primary sources. Possible conference topics include sports and politics; analysis of particular sports events (e.g., the Olympics, women’s basketball, the World Cup); (auto)biographies and/or oral histories of athletes; sports and protest; “fitness,” health, and the body; gender, race, sexuality, (dis)ability, and sports; nationalism(s), national “styles,” and sports; and the phenomenology of sports.




乌托邦在人类历史中存在了几个世纪。由批判构成的批评,乌托邦曾一直是想象和构建不同的社会空间秩序的车辆。在本次研讨会中,我们将研究物理空间中的乌托邦和通知它们的逻辑的实现。我们不会简单地处理乌托邦思维背后的抽象想法,我们将研究一个多样性的社会空间地层 - 这是对目前存在状态的批评,并且作为未来彻底不同的概念的实践。这是本课程的争论,即乌托邦,而不是仅仅是想象的,这是现有的社会条件的深刻历史和知情。随着乌托邦作为物化实践的目的,我们将看看不同种类的乌托邦社区,从毫安运动,社会主义,无政府主义和反文化实验中,占据沃尔街道运动。我们还将检查建筑和审美乌托邦,如他们更明确的基于运动的对应物,试图想象和重新思考空间 - 这仍然是一个必不可少的乌托邦的关注。我们的前往这些各种乌托邦设计旨在让我们询问暗遇危害这些实践的冲动,而不是一种居住的方法,主要是随着时间的推移。我们将试图了解这些各种实验遗赠美国关于激进,社会转型以及更久的世界的潜力的痕迹。通过询问我们如何单独和集体,努力创造,经验或执行乌托邦,将鼓励与乌托邦的与乌托邦的与乌托邦的生活关系致意,而不会归因于对其的总体愿景。 Student projects might take the form of a close examination of specific utopian practices or be based on creative projects and/or fictional utopias frequently encountered in science-fiction novels and film. Particular activist movements—such as Black Lives Matter, LGNTQ+ activism, and feminist movements—can also be seen as ways of visualizing futures that depart from the historical present, out of which such movements emerge and in which they are embedded. As such, these, too, have a vision of the future that is at odds with the present and will provide fertile ground for conference work. Finally, while the course will not specifically address the vexed relationship between utopias and dystopia, an examination of the latter remains yet another possible line of inquiry for student projects.
