
在萨拉劳伦斯学院(Sarah Lawrence College),经济学不是作为一套在静态领域工作的技术来教授的,而是作为一门不断发展的学科。在文科传统中,萨拉劳伦斯学院的学生通过研究历史、政治和文化背景下的问题来研究经济学。学生分析和评价与实际情况相关的多个学派的思想——从经济的角度探索诸如全球化、增长和社会政策、不平等、资本主义和环境等主题。专攻经济学的学生后来成为工会组织者,加入和平队,在联合国机构实习,进入法学院,攻读公共政策和国际发展研究生课程。

2021 - 2022年经济学课程


开放,fys year | 10学分|远程

全球化、新自由主义政治制度和信息技术已经在美国和全球范围内给工作的结构和内容带来了根本性的变化。这些变化也对工人的传统组织方式和他们追求经济和政治利益的能力产生了巨大的影响。今天,美国只有6.7%的私营部门员工属于工会。这在一定程度上导致了今天美国的不平等程度堪比大萧条前的20世纪20年代,我们(本已适度的)福利国家正在倒退,政治话语和政策越来越多地反映富人的利益。本课程将探讨美国工人(包括本土出生和移民)从内战到现在的状况。我们将研究美国经济结构的主要变化(例如,从小型竞争性企业到大型跨国寡头垄断企业),以及这些变化对工人生活的影响和组织的可能性。我们将探索工人试图组织的历史和阻碍他们成功的障碍,包括种族、性别、出生和性取向/身份的划分。我们将考察最近为改善传统工会框架之外的工人状况所做的努力,如工人中心、社会运动工会主义和非营利组织。如果时间允许,我们将把美国劳工运动的状况与选定国家的工人进行比较。课程要求包括经常发表短文,定期就阅读材料进行小组报告,以及为期一年的会议研究项目。 During the fall semester, students will meet with the instructor weekly for individual conferences. In the spring, we will meet weekly or every other week, depending on the students’ needs and the progress of their conference projects. Required texts will include:被击败,被鼓动:美国劳工的过去、现在和未来史蒂文温室,《南方之钥:二十世纪三四十年代的阶级、种族与激进主义由迈克尔•采金《前往应许之地:马丁·路德·金和为经济正义而战》迈克尔·霍尼著,以及《造就女工:不稳定的劳动和为全球标准而战1919-2019》艾琳·鲍里斯。



开放,授课年| 10学分|远程




开放,大型研讨班-秋季| 5学分

温室气体排放导致的气候变化将成为21世纪全球的头号威胁。全球变暖对环境和人类社会造成了破坏性的影响,并使我们的星球超越了人类可以安全运行的边界。科学家们估计,我们最多只有一代人的时间可以采取行动,防止自己越过不归路。2016年,《巴黎协定》缔约方承诺将全球平均气温升幅控制在远低于工业化前水平2摄氏度的水平;然而,到目前为止,几乎没有一个主要的工业化或工业化国家为实现这一目标作出了足够的努力。利用经济学和跨学科材料,本次研讨会将提供全球气候变化的政治经济学分析。经济学家在气候变化政策中发挥了建设性作用吗?我们能给碳定价吗?社会上的利益集团是如何推动和阻碍气候行动的?我们应该如何改革全球机构以促进气候行动? Who benefits from global economic activities that cause global warming, and who bears the costs? Why is climate change also rooted in the global history of racial discrimination and gender discrimination? By the end of this seminar, you will be able to form a holistic understanding of global climate change, conduct political-economy research on climate change, and make policy proposals.



开放,研讨会-秋季| 5学分

自19世纪以来,几代经济学家分析了环境和自然资源在社会和经济中的作用。古典经济学家约翰•斯图尔特•密尔(John Stuart Mill)辩称:“难道地球本身、地球上的森林和水,以及地表以下的所有其他自然资源不都是如此吗?”这些是人类的遗产,必须有规则来共同享受它....政府的职能没有什么比管理这些事情更可有可无的了,也没有什么比完全参与文明社会理念更可有可无的了。”什么样的产权制度适合于解决“社会成本问题”?私有化是市场原教旨主义经济学家所主张的唯一解决方案吗?为什么发展中国家的污染水平更高?污染活动正在向发展中国家转移吗?在发达世界的大多数地方,环境质量在过去几十年有了显著改善。我们如何解释这种进步? Should efficiency be the top concern in protecting the environment? How can we incorporate equity and justice in environmental decision-making? What political-economy factors are determining environmental policies? What do we mean by “sustainability”? By the end of the seminar, you will be able to apply theories of environmental economics and ecological economics to real-world problems, conduct independent research in environmental and ecological economics, and form policy proposals.



中级,研讨班-秋季| 5学分

微观经济学家在分析个体层面的经济行为时,采用了哪些假设、方法、价值观、愿景和理论基础?为了理解资本主义社会,通过考察个体企业、代理人、家庭和市场的特征,可以收集到哪些见解、知识、推论和/或结论?我们的个人和商业行为理论是如何影响我们对分配结果的解释的?在其他主题中,这个为期一学期的中间微观经济学研讨会将提供对-à-vis的经济决策的探究:需求和供给理论;个人(代理);家庭;消费(消费者的选择);生产和成本理论;企业理论;市场、市场治理和竞争理论; prices and pricing theory; and business legal history. As a course that is designed for students interested in pursuing the study of economics at the graduate-school level, this course will provide a rigorous analysis of theory and policy in the neoclassical and political economy traditions. A central theoretical issue will be an engagement of the “governments versus markets” dichotomy, which is at the heart of neoclassical economics. This important theme will be addressed by investigating the rival treatments of institutions in neoclassical economics (new institutionalism) and the law and political economy tradition. Among other topics, we will analyze how these different approaches to institutions and the economy study cost-benefit analysis, Pareto optimality, business competition, and the Coase Theorem. Students should be prepared to deploy their high-school level math skills in dealing with certain topics.



开放,春季研讨班| 5学分




开放,大型研讨会-春季| 5学分





20世纪20年代末,一位威尔逊小姐在伦敦的一次会议上发表了一篇论文,题为《接触原始种族的欧洲儿童的教育》。在她的演讲中,她描述了肯尼亚农村白人移民儿童与非洲玩伴一起长大的生活,并表达了她对这种游戏对这些未来帝国领导人的道德有害影响的担忧。这个特殊的案例说明了关于帝国政权中享有特权的白人儿童角色的讨论;但全球不同社会阶层、种族和国籍的儿童都与帝国扩张和欧洲定居者殖民(至少)在过去三个世纪的过程有牵连。对孩子的信仰,对孩子做的事,对孩子的要求是帝国计划成功的关键。在本次研讨会中,我们将研究一系列案例,以理解儿童在帝国过程中有意或无意扮演的不同角色。除了非洲和东南亚的欧洲殖民者的白人儿子和女儿,我们还将看看在帝国不同的历史和政治时刻,人们对混血孩子(以及他们的父母)说的话和做的事情。我们还将了解到为帝国服务的“孤儿”的部署。在大都市,尤其是英国的城市,孤儿男孩被输送到军队和商船队,而男女儿童则被运往世界各地,以增加白人定居者的数量,提供免费劳动力,并减轻英国济贫院照顾他们的责任。许多当代加拿大、澳大利亚和南非公民的祖先都是在儿童时期从大城市的孤儿院流出来的。 In our intellectual explorations, we will deploy approaches from sex-gender studies, postcolonial studies, and critical race theory. Questions that we will explore include: Why did settler authorities in Australia kidnap mixed-race indigenous children and put them in boarding schools when such children in other colonies were expected to stay with their local mothers out of sight of the settlers? How did European ideas about climate and race frame the ways in which settler children were nursed in the Dutch East Indies? How did concepts of childhood and parental rights over children vary historically, socioeconomically, and geographically? How did metropolitan discourses about race, class, and evolution frame the treatment of indigent children at home and abroad? The materials for this class include fiction, memoirs, scholarly texts, ethnographic accounts, historical documents, and visual images.




我们吃的食物从哪里来?为什么有些人有足够的食物吃,而另一些人没有?世界上有太多的人要养活吗?谁控制着世界粮食?全球食品价格会继续最近的快速上涨吗?如果是这样,后果会是什么?我们的粮食生产系统对环境有什么影响?这些问题的答案会因地点或提问者的不同而有所不同吗?随着时间的推移,这些问题有什么变化?本课程将探讨下列基本问题:发展与环境之间的关系,特别着重于农业和粮食的生产和消费。 The questions above often hinge on the contentious debate concerning population, natural resources, and the environment. Thus, we will begin by critically assessing the fundamental ideological positions and philosophical paradigms of “modernization,” as well as the critical counterpoints that lie at the heart of this debate. Within this context of competing sets of philosophical assumptions concerning the population-resource debate, we will investigate the concept of “poverty” and the making of the “Third World”; access to food, hunger, grain production and food aid, agricultural productivity (the Green and Gene revolutions), biofuels, the role of transnational corporations (TNCs), the international division of labor, migration, globalization and global commodity chains, and the different strategies adopted by nation states to “develop” natural resources and agricultural production. Through a historical investigation of environmental change and the biogeography of plant domestication and dispersal, we will look at the creation of indigenous, subsistence, peasant, plantation, collective, and commercial forms of agriculture. We will analyze the physical environment and ecology that help shape, but rarely determine, the organization of resource use and agriculture. Rather, through the dialectical rise of various political-economic systems—such as feudalism, slavery, mercantilism, colonialism, capitalism, and socialism—we will study how humans have transformed the world’s environments. We will follow with studies of specific issues: technological change in food production; commercialization and industrialization of agriculture and the decline of the family farm; food and public health, culture, and family; land grabbing and food security; the role of markets and transnational corporations in transforming the environment; and the global environmental changes stemming from modern agriculture, dams, deforestation, grassland destruction, desertification, biodiversity loss, and the interrelationship with climate change. Case studies of particular regions and issues will be drawn from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the United States. The final part of the course examines the restructuring of the global economy and its relation to emergent international laws and institutions regulating trade, the environment, agriculture, resource extraction treaties, the changing role of the state, and competing conceptualizations of territoriality and control. We will end with discussions of emergent local, regional, and transnational coalitions for food self-reliance and food sovereignty, alternative and community supported agriculture, community-based resource management systems, sustainable development, and grassroots movements for social and environmental justice. Films, multimedia materials, and distinguished guest lectures will be interspersed throughout the course. One farm/factory field trip is possible in each semester if funding permits. The lecture participants may also take a leading role in a campus-wide event on “food and hunger,” tentatively planned for the spring. Please mark your calendars when the dates are announced, as attendance for all of the above is required. Attendance and participation are also required at special guest lectures and film viewings in the Social Science Colloquium Series, which are held approximately once per month. The Web Board is an important part of the course. Regular postings of short essays will be made there, as well as followup commentaries with your colleagues. There will be in-class essays, a midterm quiz, and a final exam each semester. Group conferences will focus on in-depth analysis of certain course topics and will include debates and small-group discussions. You will prepare a poster project each semester on a topic of your choice that is related to the course and which will be presented at the end of each semester in group conference, as well as a potential public session.




在这次研讨会上,我们将首先考察理解“发展”和“第三世界”的竞争范式和方法。我们将回答以下问题:500年前的世界是什么样子?这部分课程的目的是让我们熟悉并分析以“第三世界”为内在组成部分的世界政治经济的历史起源和演变。因此,我们将研究从封建主义到资本主义的过渡,商业和金融资本的兴起,以及欧洲列强对世界的殖民。我们将分析殖民“发展”的案例研究,以理解这个术语的演变意义。这些个案研究将帮助我们评估在随后断断续续和不平衡的非殖民化进程中新国家的出现中明显出现的殖民主义的各种遗产。本课程的下一部分将探讨联合国及其一些相关机构在第二次世界大战后的全球政治-经济中所发挥的作用,这一时期的特点是社会经济不平等持续加剧,以及全球政治暴力的频繁爆发。通过研究1945年以来出现和发展的发展机构,我们将试图解开不同时代发展的悖论。我们将通过对人口、资源利用、贫困、粮食获取、环境、农业生产力、城市化、工业化和第三世界民族国家采用的不同发展战略的专题探索,解构发展的措施。然后,我们将研究全球化及其与新兴国际机构及其政策的关系; for example, the IMF, World Bank, AIIB, and WTO. We will then turn to contemporary development debates and controversies that increasingly find space in the headlines: widespread land grabbing by sovereign wealth funds, China, and hedge funds; the “global food crisis”; and the perils of climate change, as well as the potential of ”a new green deal.” Throughout the course, our investigations of international institutions, transnational corporations, the role of the state, and civil society will provide the backdrop for the final focus of the class: the emergence of regional coalitions for self-reliance, environmental and social justice, and sustainable development. Our analysis of development in practice will draw upon case studies from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and North America. Conference work will be closely integrated with the themes of the course, with a two-stage, substantive research project. Project presentations will incorporate a range of formats, from traditional papers to multimedia visual productions. Where possible and feasible, you will be encouraged to do primary research over fall study days. Some experience in the social sciences is desired but not required.




为什么现在是这个课程和演讲者系列/社区对话?新右翼的兴起是我们这个时代一个极其重要的现象,它塑造了每个人的政治、政策、实践和日常生活。2021年1月6日在国会大厦发生的起义,只是新壮大的右翼意识形态群体对长期想法和行动的一次令人发指的表达。对一个种族和民族多元化的美国现实的暴力挑战并不令人意外。主流政治和政党内部的白人权力政治和思想也不是常态。新右翼参与者的不同性质——他们的意识形态、不满和目标——需要深入分析他们的历史根源,以及他们的当代表现。传播仇恨、谎言和呼吁对敌人使用暴力的广泛平台和空间需要它们自己的回应,包括创建提供分析和替代方案的平台和空间。认真接触新右翼,试图为其崛起提供解释,是挑战我们当前政治时刻的独裁倾向及其不确定的演变和未来的关键。这样做需要我们的注意;它还需要跨学科的方法,这是我们学院和地理学作为一门学科所固有的东西,无论是政治地理学、经济地理学、文化地理学、社会地理学、城市地理学、历史地理学或环境地理学。 The goal of this new seminar, one that is accompanied by a facilitated speaker series and community conversations, is to build on work in geography and beyond and to engage a wide array of thinkers from diverse disciplines and backgrounds, institutions and organizations. In addition to teaching the course itself, my hope is that it can be a vehicle to engage our broader communities—at the College and in our region, as well as reaching out to our widely dispersed, multigenerational alumni. Pairing the course with a facilitated/moderated speaker series, livestreamed in collaboration with our Development and Alumni offices, offers the chance to bring these classroom conversations and contemporary and pressing course topics, grounded in diverse readings and student engagement, to a much wider audience and multiple communities. In this class, we will seek to understand the origins and rise of the New Right in the United States and elsewhere, as it has taken shape in the latter half of the 20th century to the present. We will seek to identify the origins of the New Right and what defines it, to explore the varied geographies of the movement and its numerous strands, and to identify the constituents of the contemporary right coalition. In addition, we will explore the actors and institutions that have played a role in the expansion of the New Right (e.g., courts, state and local governments, Tea Party, conservative think tanks, lawyers, media platforms, evangelical Christians, militias) and the issues that motivate the movement (e.g., anti-communism, immigration, environment, white supremacy/nationalism, voter suppression, neoliberal economic policies, anti-globalization, free speech). This is a reading-intensive, discussion-oriented large seminar in which we will survey a broad sweep of the recent literature on the New Right. While the class focuses most specifically on the US context, conference papers based on international/comparative case studies are welcome. Students will be required to attend all associated talk and film viewings, write weekly reading memos, engage colleagues in biweekly online essays and conversation, and write a brief final paper that links the themes of the class with their own interests, creative products, research agenda, and/or political engagement. Transdisciplinary collaborative activities across the College and community are encouraged. Film, performance, written commentary, workshops, and other forms of action can provide additional outlets for student engagement.




方差,相关系数,回归分析,统计显著性,误差范围…你以前听过这些术语和其他统计术语,你也在新闻报道和研究文章中看到过它们。但它们是什么意思呢?为什么它们如此重要?作为对理解数据的核心概念、技术和推理的介绍,本讲座课程侧重于用于洞察人类兴趣的不同领域的统计分析的基本方法。统计数据的使用、误用和滥用将是本课程的中心重点;具体的探索课题将从实验设计理论、抽样理论、数据分析和统计推理等方面展开。应用程序将被考虑在时事、商业、心理学、政治、医学和其他自然和社会科学领域。统计(电子表格)软件将在本课程中广泛介绍和使用,但假定没有相关技术的经验。小组会议,以工作坊的方式进行,将有助于加强学生对课程材料的理解。 This lecture is recommended for anybody wishing to be a better-informed consumer of data and strongly recommended for those planning to pursue advanced undergraduate or graduate research in the natural sciences or social sciences.




我们的存在在于一个永恒的变化状态。苹果从树上掉下来;云层穿过广阔的农田,遮挡了好几天的阳光;与此同时,卫星绕着地球旋转,向我们的手机发送和接收信号。微积分的发明是为了开发一种语言来准确地描述和研究我们所看到的变化。古希腊人开始详细研究变化,但害怕与无限搏斗;因此,直到17世纪,艾萨克·牛顿和戈特弗里德·莱布尼茨等人驯服了无限大,才诞生了这一极为成功的数学分支。尽管只有几百年的历史,微积分已经成为自然科学和社会科学中不可或缺的研究工具。我们的研究从极限这一中心概念开始,进而探讨微分与积分这两个主题。这一理论的许多应用将被考察。 For conference work, students may choose to undertake a deeper investigation of a single topic or application of the calculus or conduct a study in some other branch of mathematics. This seminar is intended for students interested in advanced study in mathematics or science, students preparing for careers in the health sciences or engineering, and any student wishing to broaden and enrich the life of the mind.












牛顿和莱布尼茨的微积分是如此成功,以至于科学原谅了它的“通量”和“瞬变量”的逻辑缺陷。然而,到了19世纪,微积分演变成了对实变量函数的研究——实分析——这是定义数学为一门学科的基础严谨性的模型。在20世纪,对实数公理的研究揭示了关于实数线的空间性质的微妙假设。这些性质——如连续性、可分离性和维度——并不取决于大小,而是取决于更一般的位置概念。位置几何,或今天所称的拓扑,正是对这些性质的研究。这个为期一年的研讨会将从离散数学的预备课程开始,包括符号逻辑、证明技术和集合论。我们将在网络和曲面的背景下研究这些主题,这是一些最直观的拓扑对象。接下来将深入学习实数、数列和级数、极限、连续性、导数和积分。为了激励我们复习这些熟悉的微积分术语,本课程将阅读并讨论一些重要的反例,例如无处可微的连续函数,无穷级数的重排,以及康托集合。在今年年底,我们将回到拓扑学。 This will give us the opportunity to see how many of the geometric properties of curves, surfaces, and maps between them find a unified expression in terms of relations among point sets. Conference work will clarify seminar ideas and possibly their application to mathematical models in the natural sciences, computer science, or economics.









大屠杀幸存者、作家埃利·威塞尔在他2002年的小说中悲观地宣称,在1991年苏联解体后的民主转型和种族冲突中,法官他说,“仇恨的邪恶幽灵正以一种既令人震惊又令人作呕的愤怒和大胆卷土重来:种族冲突、宗教骚乱、处处可见的反犹太事件。”这些道德堕落的人有什么问题,他们滥用自己刚刚赢得的自由?”尽管是从道德愤怒的角度写的,但人们很难找到一个引用更准确地说明了与种族冲突相关的严重性(广义上的),以及对其原因的绝对缺乏理解。事实上,冷战的结束被许多保守派和自由派思想家视为“历史的终结”,是迈向全球政治稳定与和平的稳步前进的开始。然而,尽管选举民主制国家的数量激增,但种族暴力流血和野蛮场面的频率和强度似乎超出了所有人的预期。因此,在过去30年里,这种暴力的扩散使得许多学者和政策制定者更加严格地审查他们对种族冲突问题的来源和潜在解决办法的假设,作为一个国际问题。尽管有大量相反的证据,像威塞尔这样的评论家甚至许多政治家仍然经常把这种冲突的根源归结为“道德堕落的人”的存在、种族多样性或不同种族社区之间的仇恨历史。从更全面的角度来看这个问题——涉及到种族冲突背后的经济、文化和政治动机——这门课程将挑战人们对种族暴力起因的普遍假设,并探索一些防止进一步冲突或解决现有冲突的可能解决方案。本课程将讨论的一些问题包括:被认为是“种族”的政治冲突背后的主要来源是什么?种族和民族是如何构建的,又是为了什么目的? What is the role of the international community in managing ethnic conflicts? What is the effect of democratization on territorial integrity and political conflict between ethnically divided communities? What constitutional designs, state structures, and electoral systems are most compatible with ethnically divided societies?








在本次FYS研讨会上,将向学生介绍基于社会科学的边界和移民研究领域。我们将从阅读一些重要的社会学理论开始,这些理论为学生提供了社会学作为一门学科的概述,以及它在文科教育和更广泛的社会和政治背景下的相关性。然后,我们将专注于为学生提供边界研究、全球化、民族、民族国家和民族主义在社会中的作用的基础知识的阅读,以及最后但并非最不重要的移民和流离失所研究。会议还将特别关注COVID-19大流行对全球化、移民和世界各地新民族主义崛起的影响。作为研讨会“实践”维度的一部分,学生将学习启动、设计和使用各种数据分析方法进行社会学研究的基础知识,包括调查、统计、访谈和实地研究。在这一年中,学生将有机会参与新的和正在进行的研究项目,涉及民族主义、边界和流动的主题,通过与跨校园组织、社区伙伴和更广泛的倡议,如被迫移民、流离失所和教育联盟。从秋季开始,学生将被介绍到校园的一些资源,如图书馆和写作中心,这对他们的学习和学业进步是必不可少的。学生将被期望利用这些资源,因为他们将学习在社会科学进行研究的绳索和提高他们的学术写作技巧。除了我们的常规课程外,学生将在秋季学期每周与教师教师见面举行会议。会议时间将用于讨论学生在课堂上的进步,更广泛地说,是在萨拉劳伦斯大学的第一学期。 In the subsequent spring semester, we will move to a biweekly conference-meeting schedule, depending on the student’s ongoing progress and needs.












我们许多人想当然地认为公共生活和私人生活是两分法。前者通常被理解为抽象、遥远和权力的关键场所;后者是温暖、亲密和情感寄托的场所。在本次研讨会中,我们将批判性地研究公共领域和私有领域之间这种理想化区分的基础假设。希望通过这样的修订,我们将更好地理解家庭的公共和私人层面、其复杂性和其历史的可变性。特别是,我们的分析将使我们能够批判性地检查一些概念,这些概念假定核心、异性恋家庭是一种普遍和“自然”的制度。通过历史、跨文化材料和口述历史,我们将看到个人和社会再生产发生的无数方式;不同的家庭形式与不同的社会组织和社会运动制度之间的关系;以及在不同的家庭环境中阶级、性别、种族关系和两性关系的表达。在整个过程中,我们将关注私人领域(通常是错误的,以家族式的方式被超历史地理解)和公共机构和实践之间的边界变化。 The “private” domain of the family will be problematized as a site for the construction of identity and caring and, simultaneously, as a location that engenders compulsion and violence. In this latter context, we will examine how relations of domination and subordination are produced through the institution of the “family” and how resistance is generated to such dominant relations and constructions. The course will conclude with an examination of family forms in contemporary societies (single-parent, same-sex, fictive-kin based) and of public struggles over these various forms.




这是一门关于体育作为练习的课程,而练习在这里有多重意义。作为一种具体化的活动,体育实践是通过身体来感受和体验的,这是它主要但不是唯一的“习惯”——法国社会学家皮埃尔·布尔迪厄在阐述他的“文化资本”概念时普及的术语。在本课程中,以运动身体和布迪厄的习惯(品味、习惯、技能、性格)概念为出发点,我们将研究体育及其在时间和空间上远远超出个人(身体)的世界的栖居。我们将沿着多个轴来研究体育:作为一种集体和/或个人活动;作为休闲和娱乐的来源;作为有利可图的就业来源;作为身份认同和国家建设项目的场所;作为一个产生跨国流动和相互联系的空间,以及断裂。在其商品化的当代形式中,体育往往是由大金钱和/或国家控制的,是Debord所说的“奇观社会”的一部分,一个生产、消费和娱乐的场所。通过身体体验的体育与作为一套纪律实践的体育之间的复杂关系将使我们能够思考个人、集体和制度化权力之间的关系,并将这些与身体政治的问题联系起来。 Taking the internal dynamics and meaning of sports seriously, we will engage sports as a contradictory field—as both a productive space and a space of consumption. Our readings will include scholarly works, sports journalism, films, documentaries, and other primary sources. Possible conference topics include sports and politics; analysis of particular sports events (e.g., the Olympics, women’s basketball, the World Cup); (auto)biographies and/or oral histories of athletes; sports and protest; “fitness,” health, and the body; gender, race, sexuality, (dis)ability, and sports; nationalism(s), national “styles,” and sports; and the phenomenology of sports.








可以肯定地说,新闻和非虚构写作目前正在经历一场变革。我们最著名的出版物正处于危机之中。大城市的报纸每天都在走下坡路。杂志是濒危。图书出版商面临着来自手持电子设备和不承认版权法的在线搜索引擎的不断蚕食的竞争。一个雄心勃勃的、直觉敏锐的作家下一步该怎么做?很简单,利用过去讲故事的所有优势,进入一个没有空间限制、语气更灵活、视频、音频和动画现成存在的新世界——它们既可以丰富文本,也可以侵占文本——以一种包括和利用新媒体的方式理解作家的角色。我们将探讨文学非虚构与新闻业曾经和未来的实践之间的关系。文学非虚构一直具有电影化的焦点和灵活的语调。20世纪的非虚构文学大师,如v·s·奈保尔、杜鲁门·卡波特、约瑟夫·米切尔和罗杰·安吉尔——他们都在那个时代浸透了新闻实践——可以作为我们不确定的未来的向导。我们将通过阅读和写作,研究新闻的公式是如何转化为文学的。 We will emphasize the importance of factuality and fact-checking and explore adapting modern storytelling to video, photography, and sound. As the semester progresses, literary nonfiction will be both discovered and reinvented to fit our new world.




在这门为期一年的诗歌和现实世界的课程中,我们将考虑伟大的盖亚,我们是其中的一部分。我们每周都会读诗写诗。我们会问:我们什么时候开始认为自然与我们是分开的?为什么我们开始说动物,好像我们不是动物似的?是什么故事和神话决定了我们对自己和信仰的态度?我们将阅读其中的一些故事和神话(创世神话;伊甸园,失落的花园)。我们将阅读到关于这一主题的悠久而丰富的诗歌传统,从早期的土著民族到禅宗和尚和华兹华斯,再到加里·斯奈德,再到当代诗人的作品。我们将阅读书籍和文章,教我们关于其他动物和生物,我们称之为植物、树木、行星和星系。每个学生将研究生活世界的一个方面,并把他们所学到的教给我们其他人。 And we will write poems that incorporate that knowledge. We will read books of poems but also watch films, take field trips, and meet with each other outside of class in weekly poetry dates. By the end of the class, my hope is that each of us will have a greater understanding of the great organism that we call Earth and will create a collection of poems that engage the questions that our class raises: What is time? What is death? What is Eden? Where is the garden now? Who are the other organisms? How have we, as a species, affected the other organisms? How have we affected the oceans, the Earth, the air? How can poetry address the planetary emergency? Required for this class: intellectual curiosity, empathy, and a willingness to observe the world, to pay attention, and to write poetry that matters. This is a class for experienced writers, as well as for those who want to give writing poetry a try. All are welcome.
